

  • April 20, 2017By Cecil Robinson

    The reason for me writing this poem originally stemmed from the Netlfix show “13 Reasons Why”, but I later came to understand that my words were meant for far greater. For the past few yeas, I have struggled with the feeling that I mattered to no one in the world and I thought what better way

  • April 19, 2017By Charlize Alcaraz

    Our lives revolve around the deep world of poetry. From song lyrics to simply looking into another set of eyes, there are many indications that the whole aspect of human nature is supported and enclosed with poetry being its spine. Lest we forget the poetry that we know–the mellifluous string of words that can capture

  • April 19, 2017By Cody Dulis

    This poem is the first in a series based off of the colors of the original pride flag. Each color of the flag represents something. The intended purpose of this series is to showcase what the original pride flag was and what each color stood for. When life goes in the direction Of showing one

  • April 19, 2017By Karime Salas

    This is a poem is inspired by today’s society. The destruction we do to ourselves and each other is heartbreaking. We fight and kill each other as if we are nothing more than wild animals fighting for our own needs without having consideration for others. After reading this, I hope it opens your eyes and

  • April 18, 2017By Paola Fernandez

    I wrote this poem simply to get my emotions out over my past relationship. I needed an outlet to deal with my thoughts and the pain. With the person I was with, nothing felt real. It was all empty. It was wasted love. I was born in the last days of August. Hence, I’m a

  • April 16, 2017By Anais Rivero

    It’s difficult to give so much of yourself to another person, you forget about yourself. Their happiness and well-being becomes your happiness and well-being, except some people, don’t recognize this love. They don’t realize how much of yourself you’ve given them because they didn’t give themselves to you to begin with. This poem is about

  • April 16, 2017By Hiba Argane

    When it comes to social interaction, you learn a lot of lessons the hard way but you get to a point where whatever you learn outweighs whatever it was that got you there. And this is just that. I read through this now and I feel the growth. And I’m grateful for that every day. you

  • April 14, 2017By Dominique Durden

    I really like the way you speak. Your lips have a way of moving over words ritualistically and that excites me. I listen to your music when I miss you. Bumping Summer Bunk under a Strawberry Moon, Soundcloud held the soundtrack to our summer love, summer lust, summer story, whatever you want to call it.

  • April 14, 2017By Tayla J.H

    TRIGGER WARNING: This article refers to domestic abuse and suicide. This may be triggering to survivors.  Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath’s relationship fascinates many. Even now, many delve into the personal lives of the pair to untangle their poetry.  Plath and Hughes’s relationship have been of interest to the literary enthusiasts for several years as

  • April 10, 2017By ashleycollado

    I wrote this when I was 16 and needed an escape, so I decided to write a self portrait of myself by describing my body features while also describing how I felt mentally at the time. Your body’s features have a life of their own and they describe you who are in every way. ————————————————————

  • April 10, 2017By Karime Salas

    The sun is warm against my skin, I watch from my window as the roses blossom. Water I feed my friends that grow from soil, Lushly green and beautiful. Air fresh and warm, Carrying the soft scents of spring. Right is the time when I serve my tea, Sweetened with honey and a bit of

  • April 9, 2017By Arushi Tandon

    Growing up, I developed an inferiority complex about the way I looked due to the portrayal of girls and young women in mainstream media. The incessant whiteness, thinness and idealized standards of beauty drove me to the point that I thought I was ugly because I didn’t look like those girls on tv. This poem
