
The Girl Who Writes

October 15, 20171 min read

This is a poem inspired by anyone who writes and why they are the way they are. Sometimes they’re a bit different, and that’s okay, even if people don’t understand why.


There’s something about the girl who writes.

She sees but rarely speaks.

She thinks but rarely acts.

She pours her thoughts out onto paper because that’s where she knows that they will have the most power.

Her mind is chaotic.

Constantly moving and changing and thinking.

It doesn’t rest. It won’t sleep.

She carries her journal like child because those pages are everything.

They’re love. They’re hurt.

They’re every single emotion that she’s ever felt.

She may not share her thoughts, but nothing ever goes unsaid, unwritten.

Just know that if the girl who writes let’s you look over her shoulder as she pours her heart out onto the pages


Cherish her.

Kiss her ink-stained hands.

Let her know that even when she does not speak, you hear her.

Tell her that her words have meaning.

That they’re not just words on paper, but they’re weapons and healers and everything in between.

The girl who writes.

She’s a chaotic beauty that knows far more than you think.

Take what she says to heart.

And never ever underestimate her power.

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Deanna Whitlow

An internet enthusiast and book hoarder, Deanna is a passionate intersectional feminist who's always either writing or watching a movie. You'll find her with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other.
