Now Reading: 13 Spoken Words Every Millennial Should Listen To


13 Spoken Words Every Millennial Should Listen To

May 21, 20172 min read

Spoken word is a word-based performance art that focuses on voice inflection along with diction. Recently, there has been a large push for spoken word poetry with YouTube channels like  Button Poetry and a plethora of other recorded performances. Due to the fact the audience can hear the emotion in the presenter’s voice, spoken word is extremely effective in relaying a message, whether it be of pain or love. Below are thirteen spoken words that are sure to strike a chord in anyone’s heart.

13. “Skinny Girls Bleed Flowers” by Savannah Brown

12. “America in 4 Minutes” by Branden Wellington

11. “When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny” by Blythe Baird

10. “Rape Joke” by Lost Angeles’ Brave New Voices Team 

9. “Maybe” by Igor Pro 

8. “Explaining My Depression to My Mother” by Sabrina Benaim

7. “Lost Voices” by Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley 

6. “The Drug Dealer’s Daughter” by Siaara Freeman

5. “Relapse” by Blythe Baird

4. “Fire Escape” by Joseph Capehart 

3. “Perfect” by Maia Mayor

2. “Somewhere in America” by Lost Angeles’ Brave New Voices Team

  1. “Honest” by Rudy Francisco

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Ariel Zedric

Ariel Zedric is a student at Tufts University. When she's not studying, you can find her wandering around on her blog at Contact via email at [email protected] or on Twitter or Instagram @arielzedric
