Now Reading: Sacred Space: A Safe Haven For Atlanta Artists


Sacred Space: A Safe Haven For Atlanta Artists

April 21, 20186 min read

Sacred Space is a gallery taking place on Sunday, April 22nd to show off art done by Atlanta teens. I had the opportunity to interview Kendall Greene, the founder of Positivity Party.

She’s been passionate about art for as long as I can remember, and it’s amazing to see her passion blossoming into something extraordinary that benefits the artistic community in Atlanta. During our little talk, we discussed the art gallery, what it means, and Kendall’s inspiration.

The following interview has been edited for clarity and length.

Before we begin, who are you?

I’m Kendall Greene. I’m 16 years old, and I’m currently curating an art gallery at the Center for Civil and Human Rights called Sacred Space.

What exactly is Sacred Space? What’s your purpose?

Sacred Space is basically an opportunity for young artists in Atlanta to come together and connect with each other, share their work, and celebrate themselves. They have the chance to display the work that’s meaningful to them and closest to their hearts.

What originally inspired you to create this event?

I noticed that a lot of other major cities, like LA or New York, have a ton of opportunities for young artists to glow, develop, and flourish, but we almost lack that in Atlanta. I want us to be able to build and uplift each other, even in the smallest ways. We can encourage each other to create and establish our city as a creative hotspot because it is. We’re producing all of these musicians and artists, and our city should have international, creative recognition. We don’t have the same resources yet, but Sacred Space is a step in the right direction.

How many artists will be showing their work? What does it take to be an artist featured in this gallery?

I have about 30 artists. The performers are a bit flexible, so I don’t have an exact number. To be featured in it, you just need to have work that’s meaningful to you. You have to be under 21, and I need to be able to feel your art. You have to be able to explain why it matters.

Why do you think it’s important for young artists to share their work?

Being creative can be really isolating sometimes. We’re all creative in our own ways, but not everyone really explores it. As an artist, it’s kind of your job to explore that creative aspect of yourself. That requires a lot of self reflection and time alone, so it’s nice for all of us to come together and realize that you don’t have to be alone to be an artist. You don’t have to be misunderstood.

What do you want to say to any artists afraid to share their art with the world?

Do whatever you want. Believe in yourself before anyone else can. Really be there for yourself. Your art can be sacred and meaningful to yourself, so it’s totally okay to keep it to yourself. That’s cool, but if you think it can inspire someone else and make them feel less alone, or if it’s something new and original, you should share it.

What’s the message in your art? What’s your inspiration?

It really depends on what I’m working on. A lot of the art I create is centered around my private world. It can be inspired by dreams or people that mean a lot to me. It’s a way for me to show the vulnerable aspects of myself without having to say anything.

Why should people go to your gallery, and how can they get tickets?

It’s just going to be so much fun. You’ll have the chance to meet some of the most creative, quirky, and cool kids in Atlanta and just connect with a whole bunch of different people. It’s honestly an opportunity to connect, get inspired, and get excited. Not only can you get inspired about art, but to get excited about the upcoming generation. You can get tickets on; just scroll down to the Get Tickets button under my flyer and you can buy them for $15. If, for whatever reason, you can’t get the tickets you can DM me and I’ll add you to my list. Just keep in mind that this is a nonprofit organization and a fundraiser for Breakthrough Atlanta, and I would love to pay my artists. Any donations are accepted, and I want this to be as inclusive as possible. I don’t want you not being able to buy a ticket to stop you from coming.

Sacred Space will be held on Sunday, April 22nd in the Atlanta Center for Civil and Human Rights. Tickets are available at

Cover Image Courtesy of @Serenekween on Instagram

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Rhea Varma

Hi guys! I'm Rhea, a 16-year-old writer for Affinity Magazine! In my free time, you can usually find me fighting the patriarchy or pretending to be artsy in a cute coffee shop.
