Now Reading: After An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Has Been Renewed By NBC


After An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Has Been Renewed By NBC

May 13, 20183 min read

In just about 48 hours, the cast, crew, and fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine have been through the most emotional rollercoaster ever. As cast members received the news about their cancellation, they tearfully said goodbye to the characters they had been portraying for the last 5 years.

The following hours, fans of the show called out FOX canceling the show and then proceeded to ask other networks such as NBC, CBS, Netflix and Hulu to take the show and have their sixth season with them instead. The show trended on Twitter for hours as fans used #RenewB99 #RenewBrooklynNineNine.

The best part about people on Twitter going off and fighting for the renewal was that many celebrities who also enjoy the show joined in. Mark Hamill, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Dylan O’Brien, Seth Meyers, and even the Backstreet Boys took it to Twitter to join other fans in trying to keep the show going for another season.

This continued on for hours and as other news outlets started to think that maybe Brooklyn Nine-Nine could get their show and then this happened.

This show is so important to so many people and no one was ready to see it go away. The entertainment industry believes that if they have one gay character or one man or woman of color that it shows diversity but Brooklyn Nine-Nine shows that it’s so much more than that. The writers give us hilarious cold-opens that lead to equally funny episodes that have elements of important topics and they still manage to be comedic about it without offending anyone. The topics have ranged from police brutality, sexuality, child neglect, and recently had an episode which featured an active shooting. The writers of the show are willing to talk about things that most shows don’t talk about and it’s sad that we almost lost that.

Luckily for us, we will not have to say goodbye to Jake and Amy, Terry and his yogurt or his little girls, the queen herself Gina Linetti, Charles Boyle and his Thanksgiving costumes, the all-time badass bi-legend Rosa Diaz, Hitchcock and Scully, and lastly our dearest Captain Raymond Holt. Here is to the sixth season and to the Nine-Nine!

Check out ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Is Proof That Comedy Doesn’t Need To Be Offensive 

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Delia Campos-Ferreira

A writer who's always in a crisis. Lover of many books, yet not enough bookshelves and watcher of an embarrassingly large amount of TV shows.
