Now Reading: A One-on-One With Phoebe Ryan: All About Her Powerful New Single ‘Ring’ and What’s to Come


A One-on-One With Phoebe Ryan: All About Her Powerful New Single ‘Ring’ and What’s to Come

April 17, 20206 min read

Best known for her signature green hair, her songwriting skills and her Top 20 hit “All We Know” in collaboration with The Chainsmokers, Phoebe Ryan has been making waves in the pop scene for some years now. After releasing the addictive EP James almost three years ago and a few stand-alone singles subsequently, the star finished last decade by releasing “ICIMY,” an anthem about dealing with the aftermath of a failed relationship centered around one question: “what am I supposed to do // in case I miss you?

On Friday, April 17, Phoebe Ryan gave us yet another taste of her upcoming debut album How It Used To Feel. The project’s second single, titled “Ring,” is a powerful letter to a former lover with lyrics taken straight from the singer’s diary, in which she exclaims, “don’t you dare put a ring on her finger.” It’s just another testament to the singer’s penmanship and her ability to constantly create unforgettable hooks.

Ryan also debuted a music video along with the track, and we had the chance to interview her and find out more about the release and what’s next in her career.

Federico Bongiorno: As someone who has been an admirer of your work for some years now, I can say this is definitely one of the most personal and powerful songs you’ve ever written. What was the inspiration behind “Ring”?

Phoebe Ryan: Thank you so much! I wrote this song four years ago, and the fact that it’s just now being released into the world just shows you how meaningful it is to me. Back then, I was worried sick that someone I loved was going to end up with someone else. It really messed me up. When I think about how vulnerable I felt, I get chills.

FB: In the video for “Ring” we see you in the woods, just like in “ICIMY.” Were the similarities supposed to be intentional? Are there any connections between the two videos?

PR: I think the whole album showcases me in my most natural, true state — and being outside in nature makes me feel that way. The similarities were not intentional, but I think the album just has such a vibe… that maybe it is, in fact, intentional.

FB: Some artists have mentioned lately that they’ve recently had difficulty with their craft amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you been able to keep making music and continue your creative process in this current state of our world? 

PR: I can’t remember the last time I felt so creative. I have so much energy to focus on learning new things and experimenting. I guess I’ve been getting into other projects besides music, but I love being able to express myself regardless.

FB: Your debut album How It Used To Feel is finally coming out on June 26. How does that feel? Are you nervous to put it out for the world to hear?

PR: At the moment, I’m not nervous at all. I’m just ready. I can’t wait to share it with anyone who wants to hear it. I think people will really love it because I really love it.

FB: The two singles we’ve heard so far from the project are both about heartbreak. Is that gonna be the concept of the album? 

PR: Heartbreak is definitely something I touch on quite a bit…that’s just how I roll, it seems — but I hope that won’t be the only thing people take away from it. I talk about a lot of other stuff too, like sobriety, growing older, and loving yourself.

FB: Finally, is there anything else you can you tell us about the album? We’re dying to hear it!

PR: I’ve never been more proud of anything in my whole life. Everyone who helped me write it holds a very special place in my heart, but I have to say it wouldn’t be possible without my producer, Big Taste. He helped bring so many of my dreams to life. He’s the kind of guy you’re happy to have on your side, in art and in life. People are really going to love what they hear.


You can now listen to Phoebe Ryan’s latest single ‘Ring’ from her debut album ‘How It Used To Feel’ on streaming platforms.

Featured Image provided by Phoebe Ryan, taken by Acacia Evans.

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Federico Bongiorno

Federico Bongiorno is a 21-year-old from Argentina who's deeply in love with pop culture, politics and people.
