
Affirmations For 2018

January 10, 20184 min read

In the past few months, I have gone through an incredible journey of self love, discovery and lesson learning. Throughout my journey, I have kept affirmations and what I have learned in my journal for when I need to take a step back and remember who I am. I hope that maybe these words could have some meaning to another soul other than my own. Let 2018 be the year of not only self love, but love and compassion for every single thing in existence. Feel in extremes, and don’t regret it. All pictures and words are mine. Enjoy.

I will make things for myself.

I will care for myself until I am full.

I will reach a higher self being.

I will unlock a true understanding for everything around me.

I will work on a strong, solid relationship with myself.

I will get to a spot, where I am all I need.

I will make myself whole, so I can be there for others 100%.

Self love is the strongest, most powerful, beautiful true love out there.

When you love yourself — genuinely love yourself — everything fits and falls into place.

I love to grow. I want to grow. I will grow.

In order to reach the highest and most powerful self love that I can, I need to do everything that is good for me, including the things I don’t want to do.

I am not actively growing and loving myself if I do not take daily steps to nurture my mind and challenge myself.

Always be honest with yourself.

Be truthful in everything that you do.

Remember to forgive yourself and be patient.

Allow room for mistakes.

Nothing matters, so do what you want if it is on the right path for you.

Always go with your gut instinct and your initial thoughts.

Send out the kind of energy that you wish to receive on a daily basis.

Treat all living and nonliving things with respect.  

Love deeply and madly; love your dresser, love your bed, love your friends, love the bench outside the grocery store, love yourself.

Create things even if you don’t like them at first. Just go, go, go and don’t stop. Don’t even think about what you are doing — just let it happen.

Do not put yourself in bad situations to make others happy.

Write anything and everything that pops into your head — in your phone notes, on a napkin, in a journal. Document your life.

At the end of the day, you will always be there for yourself. Your body loves you unconditionally — love it back.

Fall in love with yourself.

Embrace every single thing about yourself, even the things you already like. You are stuck with this vessel — learn to appreciate it for what it is.

Life is too short to not say or do what you are feeling.

You possess the power within to do anything you set your mind too, figure out the steps and follow through.

When you are thinking about someone, don’t let it be a fleeting thought. Tell them.

Put yourself on a pedestal, and never step down from it.

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Chloe Izabella

I enjoy long walks on the beach, gas station coffee, reading the same book 4 times, hiking while listening to Elliott Smith and watching movies as comfort food.

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