Now Reading: Avicii Cried For Help, And Nobody Listened: Why We Were All Aware That Tim Struggled With Mental Illnesses


Avicii Cried For Help, And Nobody Listened: Why We Were All Aware That Tim Struggled With Mental Illnesses

April 30, 20185 min read

Mental illness is real. Depression is real. Anxiety is real. Dependence is real.

Avicii struggled for years with these clear indicators that his mental state wasn’t well, yet action wasn’t enacted to better this popular music artist. Now, the world is coming to grips facing the realization that 28-year-old Tim Bergling, is dead and we did nothing to prevent his recently implied suicide.

On April 20th, the world shed light on another music industry tragedy, as a result of mental illnesses. Although no statements were released in the awakening of his reported death, it should have been clear to the public that Tim died an unnatural death.

For years, the Swedish artist initiated struggles he encountered during shows, on the road and most significantly- within himself.

Tim openly expressed his feelings countless times through social media and bravely took the route to release last year a documented film from a period in his life that he quoted to be, “intense, stressful and hurtful.”

In addition to the releasing of the documented film, Avicii: True Stories, Tim made the ultimate decision to stop touring for prominent recurring problems he faced from the passion he loved.

With fame and success, comes underlying problems. Tim struggled on a daily basis with depression and anxiety that became heavily induced from touring and performances. The stress that became exposed to the popular musician often lead to drunk nights and at one point in Tim’s life, hospitalization.

The signs were evident to his management team and to the public that Tim was weak, yet was taken lightly and ignored. Pressured by the media to continue performing and pushed to tour by his management team, the Swedish musician received little or no support for his problems. To sustain his emotions and intense mental illness encounters, Tim notably depended on alcohol to sustain his emotions.

In addition to these displays of indicators that Avicii struggled with, the popularly known musician also made a strong verbal message in his documentary that predicted his own death.

“’I’m going to die,’ Tim Firmly stated to his management team. “I have said it so many times. And so I don’t want to hear that I should entertain the thought of doing another gig.”

He continued onto to say, “I have been very open with everyone I work with, and everyone who knows me … When I decided to stop (touring), I expected something completely different. I expected support, particularly considering everything I have been through. Everyone knows that I’ve had anxiety and that I have tried. I did not expect that people would try to pressure me into doing more gigs.”

Thus, the public was well aware of Tim’s mental illnesses and as a whole, we still continued to pressure this artist to continue on with his music career.

As fans of Avicii and music artists, we need to accept certain factors that contribute to less physical appearances and created work in the music industry.

We need to recognize clear signs that artists struggle with mental illnesses too, and support them. The pressure we release upon our idols to produce more songs, albums, attend more concerts isn’t healthy and can increase instability.

As a public, we need to respect time given off in touring and public appearances for obvious reasons, before it is too late. As a public, we contributed to Avicii’s Death. We put toxic pressure on the lyrically inclined artist to further pursue his career, despite his feedback from the pressure we exposed him too.

Avicii’s Death shouldn’t be a wake-up call that fame, publicity, and fortune can’t lead to happiness. Mental illness is real and it can happen to anyone. In our society, mental illness is well aware, but not well acted upon. We need to support our music artists in their decisions on where their music career stands and decrease the pressure we imply.

Avicii cried for help, and nobody listened. As seen on social media, in his documented film and reassured periodically to his management team, Avicii struggled with everyday life. His suicide needs to be a wake-up call and reminder that our music artists need support with their health.


Photo Cedit: Edmsauce


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