
Black Girl Magic

August 1, 20171 min read

The reason I wrote this poem is because for the longest time black women were forced to conform to eurocentric beauty standards to feel attractive to society unknowing the magic & gorgeousness that lies within us.

This little girl grew up despising every part of herself

Her skin, her hair, her nose and her body

She is suffering from internalized- hate given to her by society’s standards

But little did she know…

She is the symbol for prosperity

She brought sunshine every where she goes

Her vivacious hair defies gravity

The sun fell in love with her melanin & no such radiance can withstand her spell

Lips so exquisite to make the white women long for such features

Auburn baby eyes that resembles of a blooming chrysanthemum

She is made to be the embodiment of the motherland

She is the true form of elegance

Despite what the ignorant society had said

She stands tall with diamond crown on her head


High-minded & focused

The girl graciously walked the path to self-love

She now knew…

She is simply magic.

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Ilhan Adan

Ilhan Adan is a 16 year old activist from Minnesota. She is a Somali-American and adores comics, writing and poetry.
