
‘Black Lightning’ Will Be Huge For Superhero TV Shows Of Color

December 18, 20172 min read

The CW’s new show Black LIghtning hopes to be a show that can make waves for representation and diversity in television when it premieres in January.

It is a new addition to the long list of superhero shows already on The CW Network, including The Flash and Supergirl.

Image Courtesy Of Nerdist

The show follows Jefferson Pierce, the popular DC comics character, (played by Cress Williams of Friday Night Lights) as he daylights as a principal in the troubled neighborhood he grew up in as a kid.

The reason why this particular show is generating huge excitement is the obvious diversity in acting it presents, the behind-the-scenes talent, and the fact that it won’t be a part of the more exhausting DC TV universe. This allows for the show to open up to new viewers who haven’t previously been introduced to the franchise, letting them enter the series with a clean slate.

Image Courtesy of Black Entertainment Television

There are also rumblings of a budding standalone universe building, possibly featuring the immensely popular comic book character Static Shock.

Just by looking at the trailer, it would be an opportunity missed skipping this show.

The showrunners look ready to give black nerds the TV show they so rightly deserve.

The show will be run by husband and wife duo Mara Brock and Salim Akil, who have also worked together on the shows The Game and Being Mary Jane. Master of all the other DC TV shows Greg Berlanti will also work alongside the pair.

Image Courtesy Of Entertainment Weekly

If you have my read my article on The Hate U Give movie adaptation, you would know I’m a sucker for anything nerdy. Pair that with my unhealthy obsession with CW and Freeform dramas, this show seems like a sure-fire winner and a must-watch on my list of midseason TV shows for 2018.

Black Lightning Premieres On January 16 on The CW Network. 

Also Read: The CW Is Rebooting ‘Sabrina the Teenage Witch’ and We Are Here For It!

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michael jarvis

I'm a 19-year-old writer with a flair for pop culture and social justice. Follow me on Twiter @wokenerdwriter to keep up with the craziness that is my life.
