Some of us crave the same essence of the fabulous Bildungsroman which Greta Gerwig gave to us in the fall of 2017 with Ladybird. Some of us desire a film that accurately expresses both the sentiments and frustrations of the quickly approaching graduation season. (And some of us just want another excuse to listen to Lizzo.)

Image Credit: IndieWire
Booksmart is the hilariously relatable and ingeniously produced story of two best friends who, on the eve of their high school graduation, seek to experience all of the quintessential teenage moments that they missed while they were studying for the SAT and applying to Ivy League schools.
The directorial debut of Olivia Wilde, Booksmart features many up-and-coming actors and actresses, such as Beanie Feldstein, the protagonist of the movie and the real-life sister of Superbad star Jonah Hill. Model and actress extraordinaire Diana Silvers, playing alongside Octavia Spencer in the upcoming Ma movie, also stars in the film.

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The film begins with an introduction to Molly, the student president and valedictorian who is fully consumed by her drive for politics, feminism, and Yale, which she will be attending in a few months. Her best friend, Amy, is equally charming, quirky and successful at school, and she is headed to Columbia in the fall after a summer of humanitarianism pursuits in Africa.
On the last day of school, Molly learns something that she actually cannot seem to comprehend, an unfamiliar feeling for her. The party kids, jocks and popular girls are also headed for the Ivy League. To prove that she had not wasted four years of grinding away and hitting the books, Molly convinces Amy to pack in all of the parties they possibly can into their last night of high school.
The movie has seemingly everything that could be desired from a coming-of-age teen comedy: an LGBT romance, relatable dialogue, several montages, a flawless soundtrack, an animation sequence, and copious references to RBG. Not only is it a film that is inherently relatable to almost all teens stuck somewhere within the education system but it also is a genuine reminder of the intricate aspects of young love, and more importantly, lifelong friendship. Hidden as just another fun teen comedy, Booksmart goes far beyond the scope, with sharp wit and clever social commentary relevant to today.

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If you didn’t already go see the film at an early access screening, go buy tickets now: the official release date is May 24th. It is 1 hour and 45 minutes of teenage angst, rebellion and heartfelt friendship that will not disappoint.
Featured Image Credit: Entertainment Weekly