The feeling artists go through when we have to let go of our work is a mixture of different things; it varies depending on what kind of artist you are. But as an artist, it is a general rule that we’ll have to show our works to the world. Or maybe at least some of
One of the most eye-opening experiences of my life occurred when I had put a lot of my self-worth in how the man I thought I was in love with viewed me. Did he like the way I cut my hair? Did he like the way I walked? Did my hips sway too much? Oh,
I first picked up a violin when I was eight years old. That was almost nine years ago now, but I can still remember thinking that I was going to be able to pick up the instrument for the very first time and somehow be able to play it perfectly. I soon came to terms
Acting can be such an enjoyable thing to be involved in. From the local theater to worldwide films, the experiences that come along with acting can be extremely memorable. Truly amazing things can come out of creating a hobby or pursuing a career in entertainment, however, it isn’t all what most would expect. As someone
They teach us a thousand things. They teach us so many things, yet I feel like the essentials are always left out somewhere, outside the circle, outside our visual perimeter. They teach us how to analyze poems and plays; they teach us that a right pyramid has its apex directly above the centroid of its base; they teach
Honestly, I love the Filipino language. It has its very own unique beauty that we all say about our mother tongues. From its gender-neutral pronouns to its romantic deep words that seem unfit to the current Filipino personality, it does have many charms. But I have to face the hard fact that it has become
TW: Anxiety and Depression A wise woman once said the following to me earlier this year: “Tomorrow is always another day. Today may have been a glorious f*ck up, but if you carry that attitude over into the next day, it’ll end in exactly the same manner.” And those are some memorable words to live
The girl quickly shuts her journal as she hears someone walking by so that no one can catch the slightest glimpse of all the wondrous thoughts she transferred from her head to her paper. She’s an aspiring writer. Thoughts bloom in her head, as they do in the midst of May. She thinks some of
A year ago, my sister bought me a pair of shoes. They were bright red, knock-off high tops and little did I know they would end up having a special meaning to me. You see, these red shoes told me something I didn’t really know about myself until it was pointed out to me. That
In life, there will always be tiny little moments that sink into your mind and stay there forever. Some feel pointless, some feel melancholy, some feel delightful and some feel humorous. This moment takes me back to the days I would sit in a coffee shop in town and finish schoolwork or continue with my
At twenty years-old sometimes I get this feeling that I am not doing enough with my life. I know that I am so young but it just feels like I should be more accomplished for my age. I look around and constantly compare my life to those of my peers. They’re doing things and going
A lot of people don’t like night shifts or have never experienced it. Mostly because the regular hours of work are the standard nine to five and the latest people finish their shifts are maybe ten to eleven in the evening. There is a great difference between day shift and night shift. At least from