June 18, 20183 min read
October 27, 2017By Christiana Ajai
Christiana AjaiOctober 26, 2017 White Feminism Has Helped Men Like Harvey Weinstein And Neglected Black Women Over the past few weeks numerous allegations of sexual abuse have been made against American film producer Harvey Weinstein. Women have bravely stepped out of hiding to make everyone aware of the gross misconduct of a man with great
October 17, 2017By Samantha Merzel
“Insensitivity makes arrogance ugly; empathy is what makes humility beautiful.” – Renford Reese Insensitivity is defined as “lack of concern for others’ feelings.” Unfortunately, insensitivity is seen and heard all around us. Especially in the media. Just this week, Harvey Weinstein had several sexual misconduct allegations against him, and jokes have already been made about the situation.
September 23, 2017By Christina Sayedarous
I took a look at the scars on my wrist and to me it only resembled an old fight, a new story to be told and an old experience that made me the strong person I am today. I know I am not alone and I’m not the only one who broke a razor
September 21, 2017By Liss Castillo
“In the Life Of,” directed by Cayla Coffey, is a web series that has been created in order to focus on the talents, ideas, opinions and feelings of the youth. Each episode showcases a different person, their work and aspirations in an interview format with a bit of a twist. After noticing Cayla’s determination to wipe away
September 12, 2017By Ilhan Adan
Social anxiety has it’s own factors and that include envy and sadness. Social anxiety is way common than people think and I wrote this poem to connect with it and help people like me who struggle with it. it’s the feeling when you’re above water but you feel suffocated, stuck between two different borders Friends
September 12, 2017By Emily Flores
As we are all familiar with by now, the shameless confidence of Trump supporters has increased within the last several months. They’ve marched the streets with their Tiki Torches, Confederate flags, and matching camouflage shirts and hats. And — they’ve even decided to keep the KKK hats at home, because hey, what’s the shame in
September 4, 2017By Lin Li Oechsle
Last week, The Tin Can Brothers announced a Kickstarter for their new project, “The Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye,” a 10 episode movie-length web series and podcast series. The Tin Can Brothers are a comedy group based in Los Angeles, CA, consisting of members Corey Lubowich, Joey Richter, and Brian Rosenthal. This team is
September 1, 2017By Cherise Santos
When most people think about YouTube, they immediately start to think about vloggers and challenges that make no sense whatsoever but always manage to catch on like wildfire. Youtube, however, is not only good for catching up on the latest trends or to keep up with what your fave is doing at the moment. YouTube can
September 1, 2017By Giovanna Lomanto
Honestly, this started when Snapchat introduced Discover stories (not sponsored). At first, I loved bagging on the idea of it with my friends, going on about how watching those minute-long videos or clickbait articles added up to a massive waste of time. But I ignored one crucial aspect of my personality: my curiosity. After a
August 24, 2017By Elisabeth Schmeissner
These past two weeks, I have been wandering around Italy with my family. I had the privilege of visiting as many museums, cultural places, and beautiful landscapes as I could find. The rich culture and fascinating timelessness of the country were captivating, and I felt so drawn to the way of life here. It was otherworldly to
August 22, 2017By Quinn Bicer
On November 9, 2016, America held its breath, watching the numbers roll in, and blue fade into red. I had an essay on the topic of patriotism due the next day for my English class. Rattled with anxiety and out of my medication, I couldn’t concentrate, flipping back and forth between live coverage and my
August 19, 2017By Wazidul Hoque
Cambridge University. A place where the UK’s top academics go to work, pursue their future academic careers and be pushed to evolve their mentalities, notable alumni include people like Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist, Dan Stevens, an actor, and Charles Darwin, a naturalist, biologist and geologist. So, what do all these people have in common?