Now Reading: Dear Friend, You’ve Reminded Me That Friends Exist


Dear Friend, You’ve Reminded Me That Friends Exist

December 30, 20171 min read

I wrote this poem for one of my closest friends who reminded me that friends do exist. After being in a relationship that dragged me under and away from friends and any type of social life, finding this friend helped me breathe. This is my letter to her.

Dear Friend,

Friend you are, caring soul in your name.

You’ve helped me rise.

After days of silence that had dropped after months of drowning, you’ve helped me up — reminded me of sound, reminded me of friendship and of heart.

It is your soul that lifts me so high.

Months of drowning in darkness with one face in sight left me hopeless. Then I surfaced without sight of any other face but the reflection of my own.

I am eternally grateful for your glow — the glow you’ve given me, the glow you reminded me that I already have.

My friend, you’ve reminded me that friends exist.


A soul you didn’t know you helped.

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Marie Melendez

I'm a novelist and poet who drinks way too much coffee and reads way too many books.
