Now Reading: Five Rom-Coms Starring Plus Size Women Who Aren’t Rebel Wilson


Five Rom-Coms Starring Plus Size Women Who Aren’t Rebel Wilson

November 2, 20185 min read

On this episode of things White Women say that are loud and wrong…

Comedic actress Rebel Wilson recently told talk show host Ellen Degeneres: “I’m proud to be the first-ever plus-sized girl to be the star of a romantic comedy,” referring to her new rom-com movie, Isn’t It Romantic.

Twitter was quick to set the record straight that other actresses have paved the way for this and that Miss Wilson isn’t the alpha and omega. Twitter user Halfapintdoll tagged the actress and explains that she loves her work but the comment is misguided. Miss Wilson responds with this:

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size

SAY WHAT NOW?! Technicalities?! Grey Area?????

As you’ll see in the photos below, these women are clearly plus sized. Is Miss Wilson seeing something I don’t? And being the sole lead? Girl, what?! Their names are billed top on the posters. While others are trying to educate the actress, she makes it worse with this smug reply:

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size
Which, of course, infuriated the Twitter audience even more. On the basis of her answers, I’m sure she’s not the only person who has no clue of what exists there. So I created this list not for her, but for me. To remind me of how far Hollywood has come, and how much further it has until all body types are represented in film.

1. Queen Latifah, Last Holiday

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size

(c) Paramount Pictures

The Queen stars in a slew of romantic comedies, but Last Holiday is my favorite.  The film is about Georgia Byrd (Queen Latifah) a woman who discovers she is terminally ill. As her last hurrah, she withdraws her life savings and travels to Europe. She fills her life with excitement and new experiences, the only thing missing is her longtime crush Sean Matthews (LL Cool J).

2. Mo’nique, Phat Girlz

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size

(c) Sneak Preview Entertainment

Jasmine Biltmore (Mo’nique) is a fashion designer aiming to hit it big in an industry where dress size two is standard. She struggles to find the balance between work and relationships, but things swerve 360 when she meets the man of her dreams in an unexpected way.

3. Amy Schumer, Trainwreck

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size

Apatow Productions

The white feminist patron saint of plus-sized white women explores the romantic comedy genre in raunchy fashion in the movie Trainwreck. In a playoff of Taming of the Shrew—and an overabundance of unfunny fat jokes—Amy (Amy Schumer), doesn’t do monogamy. She’s held this belief ever since her parents divorced. Her ideals begin to change when she meets a ‘good guy’ in Aaron (Bill Hader).

4. Ricki Lake, Babycakes

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size

(c) CBS Corporation

Ricki Lake has been doing the plus size rom-com thing for a minute, starting with the 1989 television film Babycakes. The story follows the courtship between Grace, a straphanger, and Rob, a train conductor in her city.

5. Shelly Winters, Alfie

Rebel Wilson, Isn't it Romantic, Plus size

(c) Paramount Pictures

In 1966, Shelly Winters was doing the damn thing as the confident, voluptuous Ruby in the Lewis Gilbert film AlfieAlfie (Michael Caine) is a womanizing man-child who can’t seem to get his act together when it comes to women. Only after two mental breakdowns does he come to his senses and decides his best course of action is to marry Ruby.

You see, being a movie lover—but also a believer in Google searching—I am able to put together this small but poignant list of films staring plus size women involved in comedy and romance. A simple five-minute search would’ve saved Miss Wilson from being dragged. Now many people have voiced their frustrations and don’t want to see the film. See what happens when you don’t sit there, shut your mouth, and eat your food?

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Valerie G.

Valerie Complex is a freelance writer and professional nerd. As a lover of Japanese animation, and all things film, she is passionate about diversity across all entertainment mediums.
