The internet ignited in a mass-fury of posts earlier this week when Robert Kardashian, the only brother amongst the Kardashian Klan, went on a day-long rant about his ex-fiancee, Blac Chyna. Chyna and Rob have been broken up since December, yet suddenly Rob decided to put Chyna on blast for allegations of cheating, robbery, and straight out slander.

Photo via Gabriel Olsen/WireImage/Getty
Now I didn’t really think much of this relationship to begin with, and frankly when Rob was going on his posting-spree about Chyna, I could have cared less about the whole situation because in the back of my mind I feel like Kris Jenner always has a part to play in all of the family’s affairs.
However, mid-way through his ranting, Rob Kardashian posted several fully nude and explicit photos of Blac Chyna that she had sent to him in confidential. These photos (that have since been deleted) went viral immediately, and with screenshot software embedded in every mobile device, the photos were re-blogged, re-tweeted, and re-published thousands of times over.
This is when I said Rob definitely crossed the line. The amount of humiliation Blac Chyna must have felt is unimaginable, and the sad fact is that “one in 25 Americans are either threatened with or victims of nonconsensual image sharing, or “revenge porn” as it’s more commonly known.” (Source)
Since the private photos were released, Blac Chyna has sought legal action against Rob, and been granted a restraining order.

Photo by Jae C. Hong/AP
People took to twitter voicing their opinions, and someone even went as far as to post a video of Blac Chyna stripping fully-nude, essentially saying “How could she be embarrassed if she already was stripping naked?”
The fact of the matter is she consented to stripping. Blac Chyna didn’t consent for her intimate photos to be released to the public. This reinforces the idea that sex-workers don’t deserve consent, and is a complete perpetuation of Rape Culture. Revenge porn is a crime in California, and is a form of domestic abuse, not to be taken lightly. Therefore, If you support Rob’s actions, regardless of their tumultuous relationship, you also support Rape Culture.