
Jodie Whittaker Debuts as First Female Doctor Who

January 4, 20182 min read

Jodie Whittaker has finally taken over as the 13th doctor in the BBC science fiction hit, Doctor Who.

At the end of the one hour Christmas special, the previous doctor Peter Capaldi “regenerated” into Whittaker, who has made history as the first woman to play the infamous Doctor Who since it aired in 1963. Doctor Who is the longest-running sci-fi series on TV and it air to a dozen of channels globally.

Whittaker was chosen to play the role by Chris Chibnall, who took over from the previous showrunner Steven Moffat. Whittaker as the thirteenth doctor was first introduced back at in July and although the reaction to the new female lead was mainly positive BBC faced backlash from the British press and from some viewers, but in response BBC released a statement, declaring that the doctor is an alien from the planet Gallifrey and it has been established in the show that time lords can switch genders”

Capaldi Who is leaving the show after four years as the twelfth doctor, his final moments are emotional and heartwarming. In the last minute of the episode, the scene sees Capaldi’s portrayal of The Doctor delivering one final dramatic speech (as the character is known to do), before bursting into the fiery electric flames of regeneration and changing into Whittaker’s new Thirteenth Doctor. Unfortunately, the newly reborn Doctor only has just enough time to mutter a quick “Oh, brilliant” before the entire Tardis explodes, leaving her falling through the air towards the ground and the viewers are left waiting with a simple “to be continued” title card.

Although, Whittaker’s position as the new doctor with not be seen right away as the next season is scheduled to air Autumn 2018. I for one look forward to Whittaker’s portrayal of the Doctor and how she makes the character her own.

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Barbara Uzoigwe

I am in love with writing poetry and discovering new music. I aspire to be a part of the journalism industry hoping to one day write about technology, music and films. I have a strong sense of wanderlust and I don't know how or when I will start but before my sweet precious life is over I will travel the world.
