

April 6, 20172 min read

Darryl Gordon, also known as GRXZZLY, is a local Maryland artist. He’ll be opening up for Curren$y and the Jet Life roster on April 7th. He has a new EP named #inGHEEnious available on iTunes as well as all other leading streaming services. He has performed at multiple clubs in DC. Most recently he performed at Baltimore SoundStage and at a few colleges such as the University of Maryland, American University and Catholic University.

What inspires you to write your music?

“My daily life, inspires me to write music. The emotions I’m feeling, the things I’m going through. My music is an expression of me so I believe what I write should be what I experienced”

Who is the biggest rap influencer to the music you write?

“Curren$y Da Hot Spitta, mainly because I’m diverse and so is he. One thing I learned from him to be more creative with beat selection and speak truth, no one likes a phony.”

What makes you different from all the other rappers getting into the rap scene?

“What makes me different from other rappers, is that I actually studied who came before me, what this industry is about and its origin.”

What is the best part about performing for you?

“The best part of performing to me is the crowds reaction before, midway, and after the performance. See them amped before encourages me, midway shows that I’m giving a great show, and afterwards I get to give pounds, take pics, give out social media to those who wanna hear more.”

What can we expect from you in the near future?

“I’m currently just dropping singles due to the releasing of #inGHEEnious EP last year. So, this year its single after single until I get a concept idea of for an album.”

Check Out More From GRXZZLY

Check out more music from GRXZZLY on SoundCloud

Music Videos:

“Ease My Mind”

“No Other Way”

“PG Brovas”

Follow GRXZZLY on Twitter and Instagram @grxzzly94

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