
My Friend

January 31, 20182 min read

Finding true friends is a rare occasion in life. When they do come along, a little bit of appreciation and praise doesn’t hurt. I cherish this person for being so kind-hearted and real with me, no matter what. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with them, and I can only hope we won’t separate. This poem goes out to you and whoever else is as great a friend as you.

I wish I could show you how much I admire you

Look up to you

Live on little oxygen because of you


Nothing in this world could ever express

the way your presence is a blessing that fights

against the demons crossing me everyday


You are the angel providing me with energy

to trudge forward beneath the doom cast

upon me


Even though I am going insane every hour,

every second

every m i n u t e

You lift me and and inject sense into me


I have gone through more friends than my limbs

could ever carry

Yet you are the one that came through

Bright and brilliant and beautiful and bada*s

with a sprinkle of #blackgirlmagic


more than they ever could

more than they ever knew


Maybe my bitterness is showing

Maybe I don’t give a sh**

because my heart tells me you are genuine

and I could actually trust it

because you make a spectacle of it


There’s no spectacle masking your place

no barbie doll lacking elegance nor grace

you are real and true

and I am here to tell you how much I appreciate



I love you, my friend

I know you love me too

despite these sins

overtaking my spirit

but you wash them away


just for being there

running alongside me

cheering me on

giving me standing ovations

that I don’t deserve


See, I know you

I will self deprecate all day

but you never let me fail


Thank you for being the hand

catching me before I crumble

the bandage stopping the

eternal bleeding


thank you.

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Kayla Ford

I am a 19 year old writer who loves piercings and challenging the status quo.
