
Shining a Light on Chester Bennington With the 20 Greatest Linkin Park Songs

July 23, 20174 min read

This one hurts like hell. It’s  1 a.m. and as I’m writing this I still cant help but hurt over yet another loss in the music industry. With the sudden death of Chester Bennington came utter shock, anger, and sadness. Millions of fans and supporters all over the world felt the death of 41-year-old Linkin Park‘s frontman when he was found dead hanging from the room of his Palos Verdes Estates residence on July 20, 2017, officially ruled a suicide. Coincidentally, it was would have also been Chris Cornell‘s 51st birthday. He was a close friend of Bennington and this might have been just what set the trigger for Bennington. Whatever the reason, it came as a surprise to fans and professionals that worked with him that such a happy soul that was so in tune with his past and his emotions struggled to find another way out. He was extremely open about the obstacles he’s overcome and it was all in hopes of helping others that might be experiencing the same thing. It also serves as a reminder that no one ever really knows the thoughts that flood someone’s mind, and just how powerful and dark those thoughts might be. The darkness might have taken over but the light Bennington brought into the world will continue to live on. Today I’m choosing to highlight his art and his ability to emit emotion within his music and visuals.

1. Leave Out All The Rest (2007)

2. Waiting For The End (2010)

3. Shadow Of The Day (2007)

4. Numb (2003)

5. In The End (2000)


6. What I’ve Done (2007)

7. Burn It Down (2012)

8. Faint (2003)

9. One Step Closer (2000)

10. Somewhere I Belong (2003)

11. Castle of Glass (2012)

12. New Divide (2009)

13. From The Inside (2003)

14. Papercut (2000)

15. Talking To Myself (2017)

16. Crawling (2009)

17. In Pieces (2007)

18. Blackout (2010)

19. The Little Things You Give Away (2007)

20. Points of Authority (2000)

For those reading and might be having a rough time, it’s going to get better. Please do not resort to a permanent decision because of a feeling that is temporary. You’ve heard it a million times and I’ll say it again, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Believe me. It gets a little bit easier everyday, and if you live another day, that’s progress worth noting. People love you, people care about you. You might find some comfort within your own sadness but it’s not the way to go. Attempt to come to terms with your feelings and talk to the people around you.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Teen Helpline
(310) 855-4673
Text TEEN to 839863

Photograph via Syracuse

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