
State of Mind

August 18, 20171 min read

This is a poem about the feeling of helplessness by many in America. Sometimes there is not an easy remedy and life is not filled with peace and flowers. However, recognizing and allowing yourself to feel these emotions are the first step to taking corrective action in your community.


This is not a political statement

This is just my state of mind


Blue from the depression

Red from hatred spilled by oppression

White not the color of our skin,

But white,

unification of all our colors of love within


Be politically correct

Follow the rules

Watch the news

And never object


Can never say what’s on your mind

Gotta be happy all the time

But what time is mine


This is not a political statement

This is just my state of mind

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Zaria Whitacre

17. Lover of 80's pop, Indian food, thrift shopping & absurd catch phrases. You can probably find me eating pizza at open mics or riding my moped in downtown EC.

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