
All posts tagged in black history month

  • February 28, 2019By Shermarie Hyppolite

    As an avid reader, I always felt like I was missing something in the books I would read. I was tired of reading books that lacked diversity and that seemed unrelatable. As a child, I dreamed of myself in the situations of the protagonist, changing my skin color to a lighter pigment, imagining my hair

  • February 27, 2019By Tatiana Brown

    Afro-Latino is a deeply rooted identity among the Latino/Hispanic communities, but blackness as an identity has been overlooked in the Latino community. With Black History Month coming to an end, it is the perfect time to celebrate the Afro-Latinas of the Hollywood and the music industry. Tessa Thompson https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxlZwwh03k/ Los Angeles-raised Tessa Lynn Thompson was