
All posts tagged in nature

  • January 13, 2019By Francesca Creavey

    It’s a new year everybody! It’s time for a clear mind and open heart.  Most of us talk about starting fresh and living healthier, more well-rounded lifestyles, but how many of us actually come through on that promise? And I get it, it’s difficult to do a total 360, so why don’t we start off with something

  • December 18, 2017By Rebecca Huang

    In Kansas City’s Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, painting Conservator Mary Schafer discovered a dead grasshopper in Vincent Van Gogh’s 1889 painting “Olive Trees”. While examining the painting, Schafer discovered what at first appeared to be a leaf, but upon further inspection turned out to be a dead grasshopper. The dead grasshopper revealed the painting’s context,

  • May 24, 2017By Cody Dulis

    This is the fifth installment in the Pride Poems series. This poem focuses on the color green and what it represents. This poem is about nature and the endless cycle and connectivity of life. From the depths of the earth Comes life, and holds death Cradling existence in dirt Held by an invisible force From