
All posts tagged in relationship

  • January 6, 2021By Mary Dodys

    As we all remember, the first few days of 2020 were already a preview of the chaos the year would bring: talks of World War III, news of a growing epidemic, Kobe Bryant’s untimely death. By the end of the year, we were begging for the headlines to just stop. In the first few days

  • September 26, 2017By Christina Sayedarous

    This is a poem about learning to finally be happy despite not being around the people that you love. At times we find ourselves attached to people who do nothing but hurt and bring us down. This is a reminder that you can be happy even without people.   You couldn’t compare me to a

  • June 22, 2017By Meshall

    Through the years I’ve seen either my friends or people I know be in toxic relationships and pass that off as “love”. At times it’s difficult to see someone for who they truly are. You become blinded as to their shortcomings and compensate their behaviour as jealousy or passion. This poem is about the misconception

  • April 18, 2017By Paola Fernandez

    I wrote this poem simply to get my emotions out over my past relationship. I needed an outlet to deal with my thoughts and the pain. With the person I was with, nothing felt real. It was all empty. It was wasted love. I was born in the last days of August. Hence, I’m a
