
All posts tagged in trump

  • October 15, 2018By Nora Li

    Saturday Night Live opened their third episode of the 44th season this weekend with a re-enactment of Trump and Kanye’s oval office meeting this past Thursday, with Alec Baldwin playing Trump, Chris Redd playing Kanye West, and Kenan Thompson playing Jim Brown. SNL often takes political events of our world and turns them into skits

  • May 1, 2018By Daryl Perry

    The President of the United States has done it again. This is obviously not the first time Donald Trump has said something outrageous, but for whatever reason, I wanted to have hope that he will grow as a person and learn to think before he speaks. I was wrong. While giving a speech during an

  • March 19, 2018By Rayan Ramadan

    A YouTube channel by the name Jubilee is breaking the boundaries on political and divisive conversations with their series “Middle Ground.” Middle Ground consists of topical conversations wherein people are usually extremely divided (such as political stance or gun control); but rather than receiving easy views by causing the conversations to go awry and become

  • August 22, 2017By Lama Zaioor

    President Donald Trump has been in office for about 30 weeks now and most Americans, even those who claim not to be politically involved, can list more than a few controversial ways he has exercised his power as commander-in-chief. It is frustrating to watch mainstream news outlets speak so professionally of the unsophisticated and uncultured

  • May 15, 2017By Jess Greenburg

    In the months since President Trump has taken office, policies and opinions regarding science have infiltrated the media. Whether it’s coverage of the various climate and science marches across the world, misleading statements Trump makes about energy, or news of the censoring of government-funded science organizations, chances are you’ve seen something about science in the news