NBC made a bold move in late 2015 when they decided to launch a duo of sitcoms to air on Monday nights. The two shows, Telenovela and Superstore, were launched with little warning and were thought by many to fail miserably. Telenovela, a Latino soap opera, was canceled when episode after episode resulted in incredibly low
There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Mr. Robot engages its viewers with a realistic thriller of drugs, mental illness and a cynical view of our virtual reality. Centered in New York 2015, the series shadows Elliot Alderson (Rami Malek) and his team of Fsociety. Their goal is to knock down corporate America one hack
Last night Tyra Banks released a video on Twitter and Instagram, April 1st, where the supermodel confirms that for the first time in America’s Next Top Model history, there will be no age limit! Tyra Banks is coming back to be a host, and judge of the 24th season of ANTM. So not only will