Designated Survivor

Courtesy of Netflix
An unidentified terrorist organization blows up the U.S. Capitol Building during the State of the Union, leaving the whole federal government dead. Based on a true policy, HUD Secretary Tom Kirkman is the only survivor, making him the new POTUS. The show deals with the struggles of being a new unqualified president (nothing new for our country right now), while also following the storyline of the FBI Agents who are investigating who blew up the Capitol.
The show has a healthy balance of comedic scenes while also having a suspenseful edge to it. It’s a great show to watch if you’re looking for a series with a more diverse cast. One of the most interesting characters is FBI Agent Hannah Wells, an Asian-American woman. The show also has main characters like Press Secretary Seth Wright, an Indian-American character, and Aaron Shore, a Mexican-American character, as well as a female Chief of Staff, Emily Rhodes.
The Confession Tapes

Courtesy of Netflix
Every episode is a mini-documentary of a small, unknown case where the suspect was wrongly forced into admitting their guilt on tape. The show exposes the dirty and morally wrong tactics that law enforcement use to get suspects to say whatever is necessary.
The most talked about cases from the show will leave you wondering for days about whether the suspects are guilty or not, as the show smartly lets you decide that on your own, by showing both arguments. It will also leave you frustrated at our country’s judicial system, seeing how many people have been wrongly accused or didn’t get a fair trial. The most talked about case on the show is featured in the first two episodes. It follows the unfair trial of Atif Rafay and Sebastian Burns, who are accused and later convicted of murdering Atif’s family. The men, who were only 19 at the time, were manipulated into admitting their guilt to two undercover cops. With interviews from Sebastian and Atif’s family and friends narrating the episodes, it’s by far the most confusing and heart-breaking case featured.