Now Reading: The Black and Ethnic Minority YouTubers of Cambridge


The Black and Ethnic Minority YouTubers of Cambridge

August 19, 20174 min read

Cambridge University. A place where the UK’s top academics go to work, pursue their future academic careers and be pushed to evolve their mentalities, notable alumni include people like Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist, Dan Stevens, an actor, and Charles Darwin, a naturalist, biologist and geologist.

So, what do all these people have in common?

They’re all white.

Over time, Cambridge has been held with high regard as a place where only the elite go, places where people who look a certain way and have a certain amount of money can get into, this has deterred so many prospective students from applying because they feel like they don’t meet the right criteria to get into Cambridge. For example, only 50 black students were accepted into the university last year.

However, Cambridge is really trying to broaden their participation and make sure that people from all walks of life have a chance and getting into their esteemed colleges, and getting the best education they can get, and thanks to some help from a few inspirational YouTubers they are doing just that.

1. IBZ MO 

Known for his hilarious antics, witty personality and DRAMA, Ibz Mo is one of my favourite YouTubers out there, starting his YouTube channel a year after his A Level results, Ibz bursted onto the scene of Youtube, at first providing weekly vlogs, documents his time at Cambridge University and the troubles he faced as a POC there. Since then, his channel has grown and evolved and he decided to dispel some morerumorss including the differences between private school and state school education, the ultimate revision videos, and his amazing story times.

He is proving that getting into Cambridge is not impossible for a POC. He is studying Human, Social and Political Sciences.

2. Nissy Tee

Nissy is most famous for being a cast member on BK Chat London, an online talk show, as well as having her own personal channel on YouTube where she discusses things like dating, health and education. She studied English Literature at Cambridge, graduating last year, and while she was there was very vocal about the problems that she faced as a student, as well as encouraging people to not be afraid to apply for a place at Cambridge themselves.

3. Courtney Daniella

Courtney Daniella is currently in her third year at Cambridge studying Human, Social and Political Sciences, on her YouTube Channel she talks about motivation and growth and how they are key aspect to believing in yourself and believing that anything is possible. She recently took to twitter to shut down trolls who said that the only reason she was in Cambridge was because she’s black, providing a thread with tea so hot, I’m suffering from third degree burns.

Cambridge themselves have seen the impact these YouTubers have had in dispelling the rumours behind the ethnic minority gaps within Cambridge and have invited them on the university’s own YouTube channel to provide tips about student life.

There are many other great Cambridge YouTubers out there, these are just thee of my personal favourites so please make sure to check out their social media:

Ibz Mo:

@IBZMO – Snapchat
@IBZMO – Twitter
@IBZMO – Instagram

Nissy Tee:

Twitter: @NissyTee
Instagram: @NissyTee
Snapchat: Nissytee

Courtney Daniella:

Snapchat: @CVRXT
Instagram: @_CourtneyDaniella
Twitter: @_CDBoateng


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Wazidul Hoque

Doing something somewhere in Sheffield.

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