Now Reading: The Return of Our Favourite Teen Sex Therapist: A Review of “Sex Education” Season Two


The Return of Our Favourite Teen Sex Therapist: A Review of “Sex Education” Season Two

January 20, 20208 min read

Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers from Season 2 of “Sex Education“.

A quirky, awkwardly funny show that spreads empowering and awe-inspiring messages to the screen. Our beloved teenage sex therapist is back, with a second season of pure awkward. Despite this, the season has successfully dealt with many strong topics that to this day still hold issues- this includes race, sexuality, equality, and a pure lack of education, especially in regards to sexual education. In a weird way, this show has provided many with the sex education that we actually need, and don’t receive in schools. However, unlike how we receive it in schools, we are passively receiving it in an accessible and fun format of a Netflix TV show. As a result, though being fictional, the show does continue to raise awareness and educate many on not only sex education, but also on different aspects of equality and other important issues.

Regarding the main protagonist, Otis Milburn, actor Asa Butterfield yet again did a wonderful job at exploring the life of a teenager learning about different issues that most teenagers face. More specifically, I liked how Otis, though being the main protagonist, is no way near perfect, and just like all the other characters has a lot of growing up and improving to do. This in some way allows us viewers to relate to each character in some way or another, adding to the shows uniqueness. Moreover, I loved how diverse the stream of actors where in regards to race, gender, sexuality and disability, therefore adding to the point of embracing equality in our everyday lives.

In particular, the show welcomed George Robinson, an actor with a disability, who not only added to the amazing and appreciated diversity of the show, but also provided us all with an amazing performance. Robinson played Maeve’s (Emma Mackey) new, sharp-witted, charming neighbour, Isaac. I found that his character held many mysteries, due to him being quite the closed book, unlike some of the other characters. For example, it took a while until the writers finally allowed us to know the true story behind the cause of his accident in the show. Moreover, Isaac remained to have quite a cold-hearted character, only slowly warming up to Maeve due to their surprising similarities. Personally, I had quite the love/hate relationship with Isaac due to him providing a friendship to the broken hearted Maeve, but yet also destroying the beloved ship between Maeve and Otis, due to his pure selfishness. However, though frustrating, this just adds to the eagerness to find out the results of his doing and wanting us all to see more from him next season.

Talking about  characters that impressed me this season, I felt that Aimee’s (Aimee Lou Wood) character had a huge development this season. In the first season, Aimee was portrayed as cute and kind, therefore making her one of the comedic contributions of the show. However, in this season, though still fairly comedic, the writers took a different turn to Aimee. In the show, Aimee deals with a case of sexual harassment, which to Aimee’s character, she doesn’t deem as being a big deal- until her peers make her realise the seriousness of the ordeal. I particularly liked this aspect of this show, due to it bringing out the message that no matter how minor you may think it is, it is still sexual harrassment, and should always be reported. The show makes it clear that you should never let anyone get away with something that made yourself feel uncomfortable about. Moreover, it was lovely to see the girls in detention siding together on the same issues, despite all their differences. This showed us that no matter what, all girls share one thing in common, and it is key to be supportive with eachother in that particular area.

One thing that this show has left me amazed at, is how it has successfully normalised things that should be made normal. For example, to this day there are issues regarding sex, gender, race and religion. However, the show spreads awareness of these issues entangled with the everyday awkwardness that we all experience and shy away from- that in itself is also made to feel normal. Every thought, doubt, mistake too is normalised, tying with the fact that we are all just human, who make mistakes- no one is perfect. Now, not to be too philosophical regarding the contents of the show, I simply want to congragulate creator Laurie Nunn for making such a realisitic teenage TV show that spreads awareness and strong messages regarding feminism, sexual education, learning how to support and respect one another.

Overall, the second season of “Sex Education” has received highly positive feedback from fans. In particular, the success was mainly achieved through the superb acting and content it deals with throughout the season. However, though a successful season, the final episode seemed to be a bit anti-climatic due to the expected relationship between Maeve and Otis never actually occurring- the fault of new character, Isaac. As a result, it caused the ending to be highly frustating due to the fans not getting what they were after or expecting. Nonetheless, the new tension that has risen allows us all to look forward to there hopefully being a third seasons were issues can be solved and questions can be answered such as:

  • What is the next step for Maeve and Isaac, and will Maeve find out what Isaac did?
  • What about Otis?!
  • What is next for Eric’s and Adam relationship, and has Adam truly changed for the best?

Though a third season is yet to be announced, we can expect that due to the season’s success so far, there is likely to be another season.

For now, you can now stream season one and two of Sex Education on Netflix.

Featured Image via IMDb.

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