
Woman Cleans Trump’s Hollywood Star and Inspires Memes of the Week

July 4, 20173 min read

President Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star has gone viral on social media. The star has been consistently vandalized throughout the election and it has continued throughout his presidency. With Trump’s decision to stray from the Paris Climate Agreement and his plan to reform the Affordable Care Act, it’s no surprise that people would want to deface his star. However, one woman took it upon herself to clean it.

The woman, MaKenna Greenwald, posted a tweet of her cleaning the star with a caption that sparked a series of hilarious memes.

“Stopped to clean @realDonaldTrump Hollywood Star. Nothing but respect for MY President. #RaisedRight


This isn’t the first time the star has been defaced. In June, during Pride Month, the Hollywood star was covered in #Resiststickers during a protest. Now non-Trump supporters have rallied together, using Greenwald’s tweet as an outlet and a bit of fun to the political scene. Twitter users recreated the image and the caption, adding a bit of flare to Makenna’s act of “respect for her president.”






In an interview with Fox News Monday, Greenwald believed the tweets to be disrespectful, claiming to be “blown away by the disrespect” she has received.

“I think that we should have more respect from both sides of the aisle, and I was blown away by how much disrespect that I got, how rude people were to me, for a simple act of cleaning up our president, who is the highest office of the land…He should be respected, whether it’s his Hollywood star or just talking about him in public.”

In the interview, Greenwald also explained that she had to use makeup cleaner to wipe away the sharpie that covered the president’s star.

“My friends and I were walking down the Hollywood Boulevard as tourists basically, and as we walked by and saw it I just stopped and thought that I should clean it up,” Greenwald said. “I was surprised that somebody hadn’t done it before, but I guess that this happens a lot.”

Whether you think it’s disrespectful or not, a meme is just a meme. And who doesn’t like a good meme now and then?

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Mariah Thomas

Mariah Thomas is an aspiring journalist with a passion for bringing awareness to the cultural and artistic perspectives in our world. Her goal is to use her writing to open the door to honest communication on controversial issues that impact our daily lives.
