
Astrid S: An Underrated Female Artist Who Deserves More Recognition

August 9, 20175 min read

Whenever I discover underrated music, I find it exceptionally difficult to share it with other people because most of the time I form an illusion that they are a little secret just for me.

But when I came across Astrid S after the release of her newest EP, it was hard to keep such an extraordinary talent under wraps.

Astrid first gained recognition after coming fifth in the Norwegian version of Pop Idol after which she released a single titled ‘Shattered’ under her full name Astrid Smeplass which was co-written by Melanie Fontana.

She then released her first single titled ‘2AM’ aged 18 under Universal Music in 2015 and she also released a cover to ‘FourFiveSeconds’ in the same year.

Since then the now 20-year-old has gone onto to collaborate with the likes of Shawn Mendes, Blonde, The Vamps and Matoma, support Troye Sivan on tour and provided background vocals on ‘Hey Hey Hey’ by Katy Perry.

Astrid has also released two EPs: ‘Party’s Over‘ and ‘Astrid S‘ both with an electronic pop RnB vibes that deserve repetition and recognition.

Here are some songs from both that you should seriously give a listen.

Such a Boy

We’re not even in that deep, acting like you’re gonna drown

This song subverts the stigma that women in relationships are the ones who are emotional and dramatic. The music video portrays Astrid’s love interest (played by Herman Tømmeraas) in what would be the typical female role and throughout tells him not to be ‘such a boy’ which is meant to be a play on words from the common phrase ‘don’t be such a girl’.


When you look at me like that, there’s no way to fight back.

This song depicts a dangerous love that leaves us dependent on the other person no matter how dire the consequences may be. The drum and bass throughout give an addictive RnB feel with a hint of a pop and electronic influence.


Gentle with my words, speak like my tongue burns

This one has to be one of my favourites. It shows an addictive love that she is trying to get rid of but just keeps coming back for more. There are frequent references to metaphors associated with drugs and alcohol but in this circumstance, it is used in reference to love. The compilation of lyrics, vocals and the vibe of the music video seriously portray this song as one that cannot be missed.

Hurts So Good

When it hurts but it hurts so good, do you take it? Do you break it off?

The landscapes shot for this music video are stunningly beautiful and it isn’t hard to see that a lot of effort went into the final product. This song depicts an unhealthy relationship that both parties are staying in even though they know they are wrong for each other. The lyrics are overall heartbreaking because like any relationship it relates to you having the hope that it will work even though deep down you know it won’t.


When it gets cloudy, just come and find me.

This is the song that made me fall in love with Astrid and was the first one I ever listened to. The overall vibe gave me Troye Sivan’s Blue Neighbourhood memories which made me, of course, love it even more. I loved how the bridge developed into the chorus and the echoes in the background.

I hope you enjoy this up and coming artist as much as I do and if Astrid is reading this article, I would love to thank her for the thought and imagination that goes into her beautiful music videos and her compelling vocals that make experiencing her music a million times better.




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Moyo Kadri

eighteen year old aspiring lawyer from london. loves photography and museums find her: twitter: @moyojadekadri instagram: @moyokadri email: moykadx@gmail.com
