Now Reading: 7 Socially Aware Disney Movies You Should Re-Watch Right Now


7 Socially Aware Disney Movies You Should Re-Watch Right Now

August 8, 20174 min read

Disney movies are known for their wonderful motion pictures, over which several families, couples or friends have bonded by laughing and crying together; these movies contain very important messages as well. Take a look at these seven Disney movies you should consider re-watching.

  1. The Princess and the Frog


    This movie is great because it follows a hard working black woman who has big aspirations in life rather than just wanting to find love. It’s a great movie with amazing characters (like Tiana, and the fact that she has a feminist vibe all around) and a great plot that talks about not judging people based on their appearance.

  2. Remember The TitansIt’s not a cartoon, but it’s an eye-opening, very socially aware, heart-warming movie that came out almost two decades ago, but is still relevant. It tells a true story about the discrimination in a small town in Virginia, and how the coach of the local high school’s football team fights to unite everyone. It’s a definite tear-worthy movie.
  3. Lilo and Stitch


    This movie is perfect in every way. It features an orphan Hawaiian girl and his alien pet and their struggles of belonging in a broken family. It has funny moments, sad moments, happy moments; basically, it’s a roller coaster of emotions. Its message is that there are different types of families, but nonetheless, family means no one gets left behind.

  4. Hercules


    This one: perfect soundtrack, amazing story line, talks about not feeling like you belong somewhere, finding one’s true purpose and fighting to get what you want.

  5. Inside Out


    This is a quite recent movie, and I love it because it’s so relatable. It talks about the struggles of growing up and allowing yourself to feel every emotion, but it’s Disney, so it may be a serious topic but they bring it to you the funniest way possible.

  6. Moana


    First of all, the music is amazing. Secondly, The Rock. Thirdly, the main character, Moana, is an independent young woman that’s brave and curious. Although Moana is a new film, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to take another look at it; it’s clever, heart warming, fun and it’s the first Disney movie with Polynesian culture present.

  7. Big Hero 6


    This is a great animated superhero movie that features Hiro Hamada, a Japanese 13-year-old super smart boy. This is one of the few Disney animated movies that stars an Asian boy. While in this movie Hiro goes through some tragedies, it’s super funny and full of action; plus, who doesn’t want a king-sized marshmallow robot best friend?

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Isabel Tovar

Isabel is a 16 year-old Mexican, passionate feminist and lover of the arts.
