
Albion: The Enchanted Stallion

April 19, 20173 min read

Not too long ago, I wrote an article on here about one of my favorite actors, Daniel Sharman. Here, I mentioned a then-unreleased film of his, titled Albion: The Enchanted Stallion. The film came out earlier this month, and is available to order on Amazon, either by DVD or streaming on Amazon Video. I was finally able to watch it today, and decided to write a review afterwards.

A brief synopsis of the film: A young girl named Evie lives in Vermont with her disabled father, and works with horses.

On Christmas Day, she finds a stallion near the horses’ barn, and takes it for a ride. Turns out, this horse is actually a Kelpie, which is a spirit that can take on the form of either a human or a horse. She falls off while riding, and wakes up in a strange new world. This world, called Albion, has been divided between two groups of people– one above ground, and one underground– for years. Evie joins two people in finding enchanted objects that once kept Albion at peace, and bringing them together again.

Besides Sharman, the film also stars Castille Landon (who directed and co-wrote the story as well), Jennifer Morrison, Debra Messing and Liam McIntyre. Obviously, I was excited to see Sharman in it, but I also thought it cool that it was directed and co-written by a young woman. It’s not often that films led by females come out, so I looked forward to seeing Landon’s work.

I especially enjoyed Sharman’s character. I am, as I’m sure many of my fellow Sharman fans are, used to seeing him portraying dark, troubled characters, such as on Teen Wolf and The Originals. In Albion, his character, Lir, is a kind, goofy and somewhat vain character, who isn’t quite the brightest bulb. I enjoyed seeing the lighter side he showed in his acting.

The film itself was cute. While some of the special effects were slightly cheesy (it was obvious in several scenes they were using a green screen), as well as some of the dialogue, it was a nice, lighthearted movie. While some young kids may get a bit creeped out by a few scenes, it is a fairly family-friendly film, and may be best enjoyed by kids ages 6-12. If you want to see it yourself, you can find it by clicking the links above. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Raine Clark

Raine is a 17-year-old aspiring writer with a passion for journalism. She has enjoyed reading and making up stories from a young age, and, as she got older, enjoyed reading magazines and online blogs. Now, she gets to live out her passion with Affinity! Aside from reading and writing, she also enjoys catching up on social media, classic rock, and cats.

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