
Acne Constellations Are Like Portable Skin Stars

July 15, 20172 min read

This poem was inspired by the days and weeks and months that I’ve felt my skin was a blanket, helping contain the warmth that my insecurities needed to thrive. I wrote this for anyone that, literally, doesn’t feel comfortable in their own skin. You are a being of absolute splendor. Never forget it.

All Art Credited To: Felipa Cheng & Sam Williams

I am still, with great effort, learning to love

the planetary bulges along my temple

and the asteroid belt of blackheads

that trace the arch of my nose.

I am still, with great effort, learning to love

the cosmic comedones that cluster below my bottom lip,

begging for the collimation of your telescope.

Dismally, the naked eye will do just fine.

I am still, with great effort, learning to love

everything I’ve been prompted to hate.

Hellish. Loathsome. Ugly.

Ugly. Ugly. Ugly.

These words form an orbit around my head,

occasionally breaking pattern

to swirl into my ear only to hit like

bolides against my brain.

I am still, with great effort, learning to love

the acne constellations like portable skin stars

I take with me

wherever I go.

To join me, to aid me, to enhance my celestial allure.

I am still, with great effort, learning to love

my craters, my coronas, my nebulae of imperfection. Myself.

One day I will believe the truth that

the universe really is

the best it can be

because I

am in it.


Meet Felipa

I am pleased to introduce you to my dear friend and art-making partner Felipa Cheng (better known to me as Ellie). In just a few short months we have formed a unique bond that doesn’t waiver at the fact that there are 8,000 miles between us (she lives in Metro Manila, Philippines). We’ve laughed, cried, gossiped about boys (and girls), and sent countless dog pictures. I’m proud to have had her by my side throughout this project. You can see more of her on her Twitter or Instagram.


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Samantha Williams

Feminist killjoy. Cult film fanatic. Avid reader. Amateur artist, writer, and photographer. Above average music taste, below average romantic taste. Think retro grandpa coated in a thick layer of sugary, third-grader goodness. Catch me at [@ILIWYSAM: instagram/ @CULTCLASSlC: twitter]
