Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers from ABC’s medical drama Grey’s Anatomy for Season 15 Episode 7.
Last week on Grey’s Anatomy it was all about honoring the dead. Let’s see what will ensue this week.
This week we start off with an eerie scene. Meredith on a plane. All Grey’s Anatomy fanatics know that Meredith’s history on planes is a dark one, having been in a horrific plane crash in season 8 and losing her sister Lexie. Ever since then, boarding planes has not been easy for Meredith or any of the victims of the plane crash. All I can say for this episode is that I hope nothing bad happens.
And it looks like I’ve spoken too soon! One of the nurses at the hospital who is pregnant go into what seems to be labor pains. We later find out that it’s not labor pains and that she has a wandering spleen in her body. Dr. Weber insists on operating but because she is 28 weeks pregnant she vehemently refuses. Dr. Weber tries to fight her on this but eventually gives in. But this nurse shouldn’t be the only one Dr. Weber is worried about. Shortly after the ordeal with the nurse, we find out where the plane took Meredith and Dr. Koracick. They were taken to another hospital to work on a very serious spinal tumor. Immediately comment on the severity of the tumor and want to meet the patient. Dr. Catherine Avery announces that she is the patient with the tumor. We haven’t had any main characters with a serious tumor like this in a while, and hopefully, they will be able to remove the tumor.

Image via: ABC Television Network
The drama does not stop on Grey’s Anatomy when Maggie picks up Jackson’s phone and sees a text from someone named Kate that says “Miss you” with two heart emojis. Yikes. Maggie rightfully freaks out and Jackson admits that he met someone while he was on his trip, but that it wasn’t romantic. He just wanted someone to talk to after his experience in episode one of almost dying. This still doesn’t make Maggie any less angry, but Jackson makes it even worse when he confesses that he still talks to April from time to time. He really can’t seem to stop messing up. This honestly does seem out of character from him, keeping things from Maggie and being so nonchalant about it.

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Back at the hospital, the nurse is put into emergency surgery when her pain worsens. .Dr Weber removes the spleen, but they also have to take out the baby who is only 28 weeks. Since the baby is premature, he will have to spend months in the hospital. Unfortunately, his mom lost too much blood, and D.r Weber wasn’t able to save her. There’s no telling how this will affect Dr. Weber. Right after the surgery, he heads to an alcoholics anonymous meeting and then heads to a bar. Outside of the bar is a sign that reads “chips for shots.” For the chips you gain in Alcoholics Anonymous, they will give you a shot. Dr. Weber turns in his 8 year chip, and the bartender pours him 8 shots. However, he doesn’t drink them and instead takes a bat, destroys the bottles of alcohol and berates the bartender. This was a very powerful and impactful scene and shows how far Dr. Weber has come with his sobriety. Hopefully, this act doesn’t end up with him imprisoned!
Back to Jackson and Maggie, Jackson explains that he was talking to April and the other woman about God, a subject Maggie does not like to discuss. He confided in them instead of Maggie and this is what makes her son upset. He also confesses that he is mourning the loss of his marriage with April and the life he could have had with her. This pushes Maggie over the edge, and she leaves his apartment. I feel really bad for Maggie. She has never had any luck with relationships, and I don’t see Jackson being able to fix this.

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At the end of the episode, we find out that Catherine has stage 3 cancer and that Richard has been arrested. This episode has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. We had a death, a premature baby born, the almost breakup of a relationship, an announcement of cancer and an arrest. Whew, that was a lot to deal with in just one episode. This was definitely the most dramatic and sad episodes of the season so far. The sad song at the end of the episode really added to the emotions of the episode. I’m already anxious to see how all of this unfolds next week.
Tune in next Thursday to watch Grey’s Anatomy on ABC at 8/7c!
Feature Image via: ABC Television Network