
Benjamin Do

  • October 6, 2018By Benjamin Do

    2018 has brought quite a few good scares at the box office. With box office successes such as A Quiet Place, Hereditary, and The Nun, it’s impressive how much money this genre makes whether or not critics and audiences like it. Some viewers, however, feel as though they are being cheated upon watching a poor quality film with so

  • September 3, 2018By Benjamin Do

    Do you believe in the Boogeyman? Well, in 1978 John Carpenter made movie goers believe so with his cult classic Halloween. With an extremely low budget of $300,000, nameless actors and lack of crew, he was able to create one of the most iconic horror movies and film scores to date. Every year everyone must see

  • September 3, 2018By Benjamin Do

    All good things must come to an end, including your favorite TV show. As television networks move forward with their programs, sometimes the need for time slots for more worthy shows, budgeting, scandals and production conflicts may result in a show’s cancellation. When a network has a show that continues to add filler episodes and
