Now Reading: Chloe Ting: A Positive Light in the YouTube Fitness Community


Chloe Ting: A Positive Light in the YouTube Fitness Community

August 8, 20204 min read

Fitness has been a part of YouTube for a long time. OG’s like Blogilates, Fitness Blender, and others have posted workout and health-based content for years. But one of fitness YouTube’s newest stars is 34-year-old Chloe Ting, known for her challenging and free workout programs. I first heard about Ting a couple of months ago when it seemed like almost everyone was doing one of her challenges, mostly her 2-week shred challenge.

My experiences with the 2-week shred

Intrigued, I decided to do it because…what else did I have to do during quarantine? I joined an accountability group chat on Twitter where we all motivated each other to keep going and shared our progress and feelings about the challenge as a whole. I took an extra rest day in-between, but still finished the challenge. It was a great experience and I’m so happy I completed it in its entirety, even though I wanted to give up multiple times!

A lot of fitness channels and workout videos seem looks-based, which cannot only disappointing if you don’t look that different since before working out but also damaging to your mental health. Working out should be done because you care for your health and want to grow stronger. There’s nothing wrong with having healthy aspirations, but looks should not be anyone’s main reasons for exercising. This kind of thinking moved me into an unhealthy mental space quickly.

Watching hours of 2-week shred transformation videos led me into thinking that I would end the challenge with an extremely defined body. Even when I finished the challenge and didn’t notice any changes, I felt disappointed and let down. But then I started to remember Chloe Ting’s ethos throughout her workout and sit-down videos. It doesn’t matter if I have a huge transformation or not, it matters if I gained strength and confidence.

Chloe Ting’s uplifting attitude

What makes Chloe Ting different than her YouTube counterparts is her amazing attitude. Her smile is contagious and throughout her videos, she always encourages the viewer through positive affirmations. A simple “You can do this!” throughout a challenging workout can do a lot. It lessens the barrier between a beginner working out, and Ting, a professional fitness creator.

Viewers like SusieJTodd even mentioned Ting’s positivity in her workout video. “I’ve binged-watched all of her videos cause she has such a cute personality,” Todd said. At the end of her video, Todd went into her thoughts about the challenge. “This is one of my favorite workouts that I’ve done so far, mostly because of the intensity of it and I love her motivational talks while you’re doing the workout.”

Ting focuses on growing stronger throughout the workouts and positively influencers her viewers to do the same.

In addition to her positive attitude, all of Ting’s programs are free. She encourages viewers to listen to their bodies and take breaks as often as they need — which is something I took advantage of. I never felt judged doing one of her workouts, even when I had to take an extra rest day. Chloe Ting fosters a positive and driven group of viewers and is a great addition to the fitness community.

Instead of selling snake oil, like some influencers who peddle tummy teas and waistbands, Ting focuses on the basics: confidence and strength, inside and out.

Featured image via Chloe Ting’s Instagram.

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Daryl Perry

Daryl is a 19-year-old filmmaker, journalist, and photography enthusiast. He also writes for the University of Maryland's The Diamondback and The Campus Trainer.
