Now Reading: Elizsabeth’s Single “I Choose Myself” Magnifies Self-Empowerment


Elizsabeth’s Single “I Choose Myself” Magnifies Self-Empowerment

December 19, 20197 min read

London’s alt-pop artist Elizsabeth released her single “I Choose Myself”—the new anthem of self-empowerment and love. The US-born and UK-bred music artist had always felt that she could be her true self on stage and when would create music.

When Elizsabeth first heard Einaudi’s tunes being played in the practice rooms at her senior school, she became fascinated with film music. It inspired her to start composing scores and expressing herself that way.

Photo Courtesy of Elizsabeth

“I began singing when I was 7, and I didn’t realize how much I loved it until I sang ‘Saving All My Love For You’ by Whitney Houston when I was 17 in front of the whole school,” Elizsabeth said. “That performance gave me the confidence in myself for future shows. I felt at home on stage and in the studio from then on.”

The singer claimed that she saw each record as its world of sound and experience filled with the influence of self-empowerment. According to her, the trend will continue to be a thread in every record she creates in the future, even if the levels vary.

“Writing songs to spark joy and peace for anyone who needed it was my reason for sharing the music I create.”

Elizsabeth is inspired by artists who are honest and not afraid to experiment and explore with songwriting and production—those who have creative integrity and who express their truth efficiently. Some singers in her list are Banks, Kate Bush and Vera Blue.

Like most teenagers, Elizsabeth is a nocturnal—sleeping around 2 a.m. and waking up at 11 a.m.

“After waking up, I meditate and gather myself to release any monkey or mind chatter from any thoughts or dreams or nightmares the night before. I want to start the day fresh.”

According to the artist, she used to plan her day to ensure her productivity, but that never worked for her. She typically ended up doing nothing.

“Now I make a list of things I want to do, from toplining dance tracks to emails to songwriting and to having me-time, which is a necessity.

The idea of her single “I Choose Myself” emerged last year with two wonderful writers and friends of Elizsabeth, Carolyn Oakley and Ben Matravers. The concepts and journeys of self-love and self-worth are a common thread for her music.

“I wanted to write a song to empower ourselves even when the choices we make don’t make sense to others. Everyone should give themselves the love they willingly give to others, to receive the overflowing love they deserve and ultimately need.”

Elizsabeth wants others to feel a sense of freedom, celebration and a sense of relief after hearing the single the first time. She claimed that she was affected emotionally by the track after hearing the final version.

“The day before I was set to record the vocals, for lack of a better phrase, my heart broke. I was so caught up in the emotions of it all, constantly thinking about the situation and the other person involved. I was an empty shell basically.”

She claimed that recording “I Choose Myself” the next day was the first step to regain her old self. Elizsabeth’s single meant so much more to her than she thought it would.

“The majority of the lead vocal you hear in the released record is actually the first take. It was the rawest and honest I’ve ever sung—completely open-hearted,” Elizsabeth said.

The singer said that society is now waking up to the importance of mental health. According to her, she had seen and heard from so many people a common sequence of anxiety and depression stemming from different roots. The most prevalent problem Elizsabeth saw, however, was people measuring their lack of self-worth.

“The way we see ourselves directly affects our experience of life because it’s made up of how we react to the things around us. I always used to subconsciously look for songs that reminded me to come back to my identity because that was what always gave me my peace and power back.”

In the chaos of Elizsabeth’s thoughts and emotions, she’d often forget, she always tried to switch them off instead of being fazed.

“I want ’I Choose Myself’ to remind people to see how worthy of love they are. I hope my music gives that hope and empowerment back to people whenever they need a reminder of how incredible they really are.”

The latest gig Elizsabeth did was her first headline show—celebrating the release of “I Choose Myself”.

“I got to perform with the records that I co-created behind me and enjoyed my usual acoustic style with an incredibly supportive audience despite being the hottest day of the year. I couldn’t have asked for a better night.”

Elizsabeth finished with two things: follow yourself with everything you create and express, listen and understand the words you’re singing like it’s a conversation with an open heart.

“Learn to believe in yourself and your voice. Once you’ve decided what you believe about yourself, no one else’s opinions will matter to you. You do not need anyone else’s approval to express yourself musically or otherwise. Stay true to you.”


Listen to “I Choose Myself”:



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Featured Image courtesy of Elizsabeth

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Ron Rocky Coloma

Ron Rocky Coloma is a student at Stanford University. He has a knack for interviewing celebrities and writing about entertainment. At Affinity Magazine, Coloma is a journalist and a part of the social media team. He was the former editor of The Scoop at The Guam Daily Post.
