
Flies, Zombies & Great Fun: A Review of “Supernatural” Season 14 Episode 6

November 18, 20187 min read

Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers from Season 14 Episode 6 of “Supernatural”.

This extremely fun episode started with a librarian, called Harper (Maddie Phillips), casually walking to her library. She’s stacking books when Winston (Amitai Marmorstein), a friend of hers, asks her about their dinner plans and she still wants to do it. Unfortunately, Winston dies right when he walks out of the library. After the intro, Jack’s back in the bunker after his hunting trip, Dean’s also there too after visiting Mary and Bobby. Sam’s currently on a case with the Charlie from the Apocalypse World (Felicia Day). Dean and Jack work on Winston’s case while Sam and Charlie work on a case about missing people. Jack finds out that Winston has “human bite marks” and Charlie found a jar of disgusting goo.

Dean and Jack go to a dinner called “Cafe 50’s” where Winston went to have breakfast every day. Wanda (Sadie Silcock), the waitress, doesn’t want to give any information to them, well, that’s before Dean bribes her and she tells them about Harper. They get some people to tell them about Harper and all of them says that she’s “bad luck”. The boys decide to go to Harper and they eat pie before going to her. Sam and Charlie still wait in front of a bus stop, where people went missing, and Charlie tells Sam about her life on the Apocalypse World and how she wants to quit right after this case.

The boys plan a trap by Jack stopping Dean from pushing Harper for an answer. It works because Harper’s a fan of romance novels and she feels like a damsel in distress. Harper brings Jack to her apartment to search for a book and Jack tries to finds out what she is yet finds nothing. Later on, Dean founds Miles (Eanna O’Dowd), another friend of Harper, dies the same way like Winston and Dean himself gets attacked the same way. Dena goes to Harper’s apartment and later on finds out that the attacker is Harper’s dead boyfriend, Vance (Sam Robert Muik). Dean fights him and Jack runs with Harper to the library. Sam and Charlie, on the other hand, finds the Musca and his prey. He takes his prey away and they follow him and discovers a stack of the missing people’s dead bodies.

This episode ends with a neat plot twist: Harper turns out to be a Necromancer. She killed Vance and brought him back alive so they can be together and she’s been telling Vance to kill all the boys she has dated before. The boys kill Vance at the end and Harper runs away. Sam and Charlie kill the Musca and Sam manages to make Charlie think about staying. Dean and Jack go back to the bunker but not long after, Jack collapses after coughing really bad, leaving us with a cliffhanger.

Amazing might not be the exact word to praise Richard Speight Jr. He did it again! This episode was super fun! The acting seemed so genuine, the emotions and the scenes were genuinely funny. This episode has the best laugh so far. The silliness, the jokes and how incredibly innocent Jack was, really made this episode feels very fun and so enjoyable. If you’re having a terrible day, this episode will definitely lift your mood up. Also, Steve Yockey did an incredible job on writing this episode. The dialogues flow great and very enjoyable, the emotional factor was amazing and the quotes are to die for. My favorite quote in this episode is something Jack said: “Trying to be positive, it can be hard.” It might not be that empowering quote but that quote is such a relatable one.

The acting! I can’t really tell who did the best job because all of them did an impressive job. Felicia Day’s appearance was everything, Alexander Calvert also did an amazing job on delivering Jack’s innocence, Jared and Jensen are impressive as always and Maddie Phillips acting as the deceptive damsel in distress was also amazing. I really don’t know who deserves the star in this episode because everyone took my breath away. Honestly, I really hope this episode is not the last time we see Harper because she’s such a fun character. Hopefully, we’re gonna see her in future episodes and also, I hope Charlie decides to stay because she’s always has been the character that’s close to our hearts. It’ll be amazing if she joins the gang again. This Charlie may not be like the Charlie that we used to know but definitely still a badass and hopefully she doesn’t end up dead.

The next episode is called “Unhuman Nature” is directed by John F. Showalter. From what we can perceive from the title, maybe that episode will include Nick because the last time we saw him, he was acting crazy. But I might be wrong so let’s just wait for this episode. Episode 7 will air on November 29th, 8/7c. Make sure you stay updated by checking Supernatural’s official Instagram and Twitter.

Featured Image Via the CW official website

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Rosiana Putri Muliandari

I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have been writing since, more or less, I was in sixth grade. I take interest in writing fantasy stories, reviews and anything related to mental health. You can reach me on Instagram: @rosianamuliandari or by e-mail: rosianaputri19@gmail.com
