
Four Amazing Songs by the Late Chris Cornell

May 19, 20176 min read

On the morning of May 18, 2017, the world awoke to the sudden death of Chris Cornell. Cornell was discovered by a family friend who called 911 around midnight after he went to check on Cornell and found the grunge rocker “unresponsive” on the bathroom floor at the MGM Grand hotel in Detroit.  According to the Wayne County (Michigan) Medical Examiner’s Office, Cornell was founded with a band around his neck and in a result, died from an apparent suicide.

Please note that, although the cause of death has been determined as suicide by hanging, the Wayne County (Michigan) Medical Examiner’s Office stated that a “full autopsy report has not yet been completed.”

Chris Cornell was a well-known musician who was formed Soundgarden in 1984 alongside Hiro Yamamoto, and Kim Thayil. The group became extremely powerful in the 1990s during the surge of grunge Seattle rock bands like Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and Nirvana. With his powerhouse vocals for Soundgarden, he is noted as one of the pioneers of the grunge music genre. After Soundgarden broke up, Cornell started Audioslave with members from Rage Against The Machines.

With this, the news of his unexpected passing has left many comparing his death to the 1994 apparent suicide of Kurt Cobain. Even Cornell’s wife has said that he was not in a suicidal state nor was he depressed.

This has broken the hearts of the millions of fans who followed his music that span over three decades. Tom Morello of Soundgarden pens in a eulogy for his former bandmate stating,

I love you, brother. Thank you for your friendship and your humor and your intellect and your singular and unmatched talent. It was a great honor to know you as a friend and as a band mate. I am devastated and deeply saddened that you are gone dear friend but your unbridled rock power, delicate haunting melodies and the memory of your smile are with us forever. Your beautiful voice and beautiful self will always be in my heart. God bless you and your family.

Now with the run down of what has tragically happened, we at Affinity would like to honor the life and work of Chris Cornell by sharing 5 of his most powerful songs under both Audioslave and Soundgarden.

1. Cochise

Cochise is the opening song from Audioslave’s self-titled 2002 debut begins which begins with a chaotic swirl of noise then erupts into a rumble. Cornell in the chorus screaming

While you’ve been nauseous
And so I drink to health
While you kill yourself
And I’ve got just one thing
That I can offer
Go on and save yourself
And take it out on me

2. Show Me How To Live

Another song off Audioslave 2002’s album, Cornell is thought to have hit his throat with the side of his hand while he holds onto a long final note. With each hit from his hand, his voice changes shape and sound, altering each note his voice runs through.

3. Jesus Christ Pose

Release in 1991 from Soundgarden’s Badmotorfinger “Jesus Christ Pose” is a song that expresses irritation at celebrities who abuse and exploit the image of Jesus Christ on the cross, known as the Jesus Christ Pose (outstretched arms, head back). In the song, Chris sings

But you’re staring at me
Like I need to be saved
In your Jesus Christ pose
Arms held out
In your Jesus Christ pose
Thorns and shroud
Like it’s the coming of the Lord
And I swear to you
That I would never feed you pain
But you’re staring at me
Like I’m driving the nails
In your Jesus Christ pose

4. Slaves & Bulldozers

Being the final last recorded and performed song that Chris Cornell did, it wouldn’t have been right if we didn’t include it in the list. “Slaves and Bulldozers” is an emotional song that questions society and how we treat one another. It is the epitome of a rock song and for that, we will forever play it in our hearts.

So bleed your heart out
There’s no more rides for free
Bleed your heart out
I said, “What’s in it for me?
What’s in it for me?”
Everything I’ve held is what I’ve freed
Everything I’ve held is what I’ve freed
Everything I’ve shown is what I feel

Chris Cornell once said “I’ve had a long career and I want to continue to have a long career. The way to do that is not to go away.” but that’s simply not true. His legacy, his words, his memory, is eternal. There is no ending, he will never go away and that is a powerful thing.

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Nmachi Som-Anya

Nmachi Som-Anya is a 17-year-old unconventional artist currently residing in Sacramento, California. Born from Igbo parents, writing has been the concrete to her feet since she was very young. Nmachi finds pleasure in writing poetry, expanding her mind and exploring the world she lives in. You can connect with Nmachi on most social media @ahfrovision
