Now Reading: How Carrie Fisher is Still Here


How Carrie Fisher is Still Here

January 23, 20184 min read

Just a little over a year after her passing, our favorite princess is still heavily involved in our lives— as well as the war we fight.

From simple posted quotes to the multiple Leia-inspired signs seen at the Women’s March, it’s easy to see what an impact Fisher had on the world. She continuously fought for the underdog, took nobody’s sh*t, and looked amazing while doing it. She even openly talked of her suffering from mental illness, which changed the game for many fans (and other celebrities) who suffered from the same. Seeing someone of such a honorary title admit to some of the most unglamorous parts of life was endearing, and that was Carrie: Always willing to talk about the unglamorous.

Regardless, there are many reasons that Carrie is still such a big deal. For one, Star Wars: The Last Jedi just released, which will be Fisher’s last movie in the franchise (they wrapped filming the movie before her tragic death.) But even aside from her quite literally being on our screens, she will forever remain an icon. She’s gone much too soon, but it seems the appreciation for the actress has only been multiplied since she passed. One of those outlets of appreciation seems to be the infamous Women’s March.

The Women’s March is a protest and demand for attention toward the woman: her wants, her needs, and her ignored rights. Marchers use signs decorated with colorful phrases or clever wording to get their point across, but a common theme seems to be Princess Leia.

Princess Leia has always been a sign of girl power to women, but if there’s any time that her light truly shines, it’s having men tell her what to do. In a day and age when that’s quite literally what women are facing, having men in offices decide what they can and cannot do, it seems only appropriate to bring Fisher’s character into play. People take to the streets with ironic or heartfelt signs that say things they sometimes can’t. Leia was a fearless leader, unafraid to speak her mind, and now protestors feel they can use her voice to speak theirs. Everyone knows Princess Leia, and knows how she would react in this situation. When you have a sign of her, it’s easy to see where you stand. Leia fought for what was right, and she fought for the woman. Carrie would have (and did) do the same, unapologetically.

The signs haven’t gone unnoticed, even Mark Hamill giving his thoughts on Twitter.

It’s important to recognize the power Carrie Fisher brought to women, and even more important to aspire to that ability in the future. There are many other women that could wield this power for us. We may even be the women that wield the power. Support your sisters, support women, regardless of if they’re transgender, or if their orientation, race, immigrant status, health care benefits, income, etc. differ from yours. We are in this together.

She may be gone, but she is never forgotten, and may the Leia signs forever remain.

You can see even more Princess Leia and Star Wars inspired signs here.

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Sydney Painter

Full-time makeup artist, full-time writer, part-time human.
