
Meet Isaiah Sutton: An Upcoming Photographer To Watch!

July 3, 20173 min read

Meet Isaiah.

Isaiah Sutton, better known as “suttondef” or his photography hashtag #picsbydef, is a 21-year-old photographer from Waldorf, MD. He grew up with a natural passion for all things media whether it be videos, photography, or music. He started his photography in late 2016 and recently has been gaining a lot of attention for his work. On top of his #picsbydef work, he also films for the web series “theRAW,” models and photographs for “bosbosclothing,” makes music, and films music videos and photographs for MD music group “sleazemob.” Make sure you follow Suttondef on Instagram and Twitter to see more of his work or search the hashtag #picsbydef to see more!

Let’s Get To Know Suttondef Better

When did you get your first camera and what kind was it?

“I actually got my first camera as a christmas gift in 2016, it was a Canon EOS Rebel T6. I got the camera to start shooting videos because one of my passions is videography, but of course it’s a lot quicker to take pictures so that’s what I started doing just for fun and something to post on my social networks. I’ve actually always enjoyed taking photos since even before I got a real camera. I used to take pictures on my phone whenever I saw something I thought was worth capturing.”

Has your work been featured anywhere unique?

“My work has been featured at the Bittersweet Arts Festival on Frostburg State University’s campus.”

What inspires your photography?

“What really inspires my photography is my obsession with color. Our eyes are naturally attracted to things that are high in vibrance and color, I enjoy capturing those things and being able to admire them for longer than just the time that i’m in front of them. I also feel as though color is a sign of life and that it;s importance is not to be taken for granted.”

Where do you see yourself with photography in 10 years?

“In 10 years, I see myself as either a personal photographer for big name celebrities or shooting for multiple magazines. I also wouldn’t mind being a director of photography for film companies because film is still my passion as well, and I would love to merge these two dreams into one.”

What can we expect from you in the near future?

“In the near future, my supporters can expect more concept shoots from me (shoots with more meaning), I’m blessed with ideas that keep my love for photography fresh and I can’t wait to manifest these ideas and concepts and share them with everyone who supports my work.”

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