
Melanie Martinez Responds to Recent Rape Accusations

December 7, 20173 min read

If you have been anywhere near the internet these past few days, you may have heard the name Melanie Martinez a few times. Recent events have seen the Crybaby artist accused of assault and rape by former best-friend Timothy Heller.

Back in mid-November, Heller tweeted about having an abuse story to tell, though asking desperately for advice, because she was scared to ruin the life and career of someone publicly adored. With the connections of this confession and the recent accusation of Martinez, it appears Heller has been waiting to be heard for a long, long time.


However, she then proceeded to tweet again that she was not ready to share her story. In an article where the victim spoke to Newsweek, she claims that she kept quiet, because Martinez wanted her to bury the story, explaining that 20 minutes after tweeting about the story she had to share, Martinez attempted to contact her and that “it was the first time Heller had heard from her in more than a year.”


In light of the sheer massive amount of people in Hollywood recently coming out against rapists and abusers and sharing their own assault stories, Heller eventually had the courage to come forward herself. On Dec. 4 she tweeted out about how Martinez repeatedly asked her for sex, and despite Heller saying no a number of times on both nights, eventually performed unconsented sex.


However, in light of these accusations, Martinez returned briefly from a social media break to tweet out a short response. In her response, Martinez denied that Heller ever said no to the sexual acts that Martinez performed, ending the note in sending Heller “love and light always.”


Attempting to keep her innocence intact, Martinez seems to have only angered people further, as the response has been largely viewed as a weak attempt to hold her public image together. A response to this has not yet been made by the victim, but consolations are being sent in a time of clear distress.

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Niamh Parr

Aspiring writer by day. Occasional crime-fighter by night.
