
Movies and Music to Calm an Anxious Mind

November 9, 20173 min read

Whether it’s school or family or friends, anxiety can be triggered by a lot of things, especially in teenagers. While you may not be consciously thinking of all your problems and issues that need to be addressed, they probably are stressing you out. Talking about it with someone might help, but for those who prefer to help themselves, I have found that distracting yourself is the best way to go. These distractions may include writing or painting or sports, but the distractions that, I personally think, will really stop you from thinking are watching movies and listening to music.

Movies are great when trying not to think about your own life, because you are drawn in by the plot of what you are watching. I have found that these movies are good at drawing in your attention:

  1. Any Barbie movie ever. Yes, it may sound a little childish, and it’s hard to take seriously when you’re going through much worse things, but it may be good to focus on something not serious and fun for a while. My favorites are: The Barbie DiariesBarbie in the 12 Dancing PrincessesBarbie and the Diamond Castle; and Barbie: The Princess and the Popstar.
  2. Bratz: Rock Angelz is interesting as you watch the characters go to different places as they pursue their dreams. The characters’ journeys are sure to take you on a fun ride.
  3. Clueless. The ’90s comedy is sure to get your mind off of any serious matters instantly, as the coming-of-age story enthralls you with fashion, quirky romances and shallow dilemmas.

If you’re in a car or on a bus and can’t get to your Netflix or Hulu account, music might be the next best thing. Soothing tunes with some cool lyrics are probably your best bet when trying to calm down your mind. Here are some of my favorites:

  1. “Let It Go” by James Bay
  2. “I Swear This Time I Mean It” by Mayday Parade
  3. “Empty” by Olivia O’Brien
  4. “Dreaming Alone” by Against The Current ft. Taka
  5. “Sleepover” by Hayley Kiyoko
  6. “Roses” by Carly Rae Jepsen
  7. “Moodz” by Blackbear ft. 24hrs
  8. “Trust Issues” by Olivia O’Brien
  9. “Tell Me It’s Okay” by Gnash
  10. “Ivy” by Frank Ocean

All in all, it’s good to remember that you’re not inferior to whatever is going on in your mind — you are stronger than you know. But it’s also okay to ask for help if you don’t think you can help yourself. There are and always will be people willing to help you and be there for you.

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Gabrielle Mendoza

the human form of the 100 emoji twitter- @helloimgabbyy instagram- @helloimgabbyy email- helloitsgabbyy@gmail.com

Tagged In:#anxiety, #movies, #music,