
An Interview With Nehemiah: A Fashion Icon You Have To Know About

September 21, 20176 min read

Nehemiah is a man who is passionate about God, family, fashion, photography, and most importantly, Kanye. I appreciate the way he thinks and the way he lives his life: driven and earnestly. He is at the top of his game in almost all of his endeavors. I had the opportunity to chat with him about his love for fashion and his art. This is Nehemiah:

When did you get into fashion?

I think I’ve always been into fashion. As a young kid, my parents would dress me up in Polos and Jordans. But I’d say I got my own direction with fashion in about 8th or 9th grade.

Does fashion incorporate with your photography and modeling?

Of course, one of the main reasons I started modeling was to show off my outfits. Aside from my face, fashion is the only reason I do it. I started out by taking pictures of the shoes and clothes I was selling. So, in a way, photography and modeling intersect in my life through fashion.

Why is fashion so important to you?

Fashion is my job. I’m a streetwear consultant, which is just a fancy title for a reseller. I basically buy and sell stuff for its value—not its retail price. And obviously, as my job, it has a huge influence in my life. I often take fashion into consideration when I make big decisions. It’s right after God and my family. I wish I was joking when I say my wardrobe is playing a big factor in my decisions for college.

Wait, how is your wardrobe playing a role in your decisions for college? That sounds pretty interesting.

I can’t go any anywhere too hot, simply because my wardrobe will not permit. I can’t see myself down south, due to the fact that I love hoodies and outwear. My favorite season is fall/winter, so naturally, I couldn’t be anywhere over 80 degrees throughout the second half of the year. I’ve been looking at Howard and VCU: two places not too far away from home and also where my style can flourish.

Do you like high fashion?

Yeah, you can say that, but that term has become so misconstrued through incorrect overuse. When you typically hear high fashion, you think of Balenciaga, MMM, or department store brands. When I hear high fashion, I think of Undercover and Number (N)ine: brands that aren’t that hard to acquire but take a little more than your regular run to the department store.

You Tweeted about how the facade of hypermasculinity isn’t cool. How do you feel about people like Jaden Smith who smash gender boundaries with their style?

Most definitely, guys put on this macho man facade and dismiss things because they’re afraid of being called “girly” or “gay” by their peers. I applaud guys like Uzi, Luka Sabbat and Ian Connor for openly wearing womenswear and vouching for the idea that clothes can be worn by anyone.

Do you like women’s or men’s fashion more?

Womenswear is far more fascinating. I enjoy watching women’s runway shows way more than men’s; it’s something about the decorum and the way the looks are put together that make me love it so much.

What are your cultural influences for fashion?

I look heavily at Japan and the UK for inspiration. In Japan, they’ve been on patchworks for a while, which just became huge in the states. London has been on plaid and tracksuits forever. That’s the type of stuff that fits into my style, rather than what’s going on fashion-wise in DC or Maryland.

What’s your style?

My style is a lot of archival pieces. I’ve always had a niche for things with value—and that’s towards everything. When I was younger, I used to collect action figures and old comic books. Now with clothes, it’s the vintage and rare pieces that stand out to me.

What’s your favorite style?

In general, I like seeing stuff that’s put together well. A common misconception in men’s fashion is that the more “designer,” expensive clothes you have on the better your outfit is, which is completely untrue. It’s not about what you wear, it’s about how you wear it. And for women, I love seeing either oversized like Vetements or slim like Matte Brand.

Answers have been slightly condensed and edited.

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