Now Reading: Netflix’s ‘Plan Coeur’ is Wittily Entertaining


Netflix’s ‘Plan Coeur’ is Wittily Entertaining

October 20, 20194 min read

Paris is the city of romance with daring promises of hope and love. For this Parisian, Elsa, love is full of heartbreak with no hope of recovery. Her best friends, Charlotte and Emilie find the perfect eye candy that syncs their plan into a different route.

Plan Coeur is Netflix’s new original series that delivered a new season on October 11. The French series contains eleven episodes with eight in the first season and six in the second season, each episode lasting thirty minutes. The show roams in Netflix with its English title, The Hookup Plan.

Elsa is vividly distraught over the breakup of her longtime boyfriend. She is in the process of post-breakup which is never really thrilling for anybody. Yet, her best friends, Charlotte and Emilie hook her up with a boytoy — Jules, who became more than a no-strings-attached relationship. Although Elsa reopened her heart for platonic relationships, her hopes are dismissive of her friends’ plan.

Elsa is not the only one having trouble in paradise. Emilie is trying to adjust her life into motherhood while maintaining her job as an architect. Society and her lover advise her to stay at home for the sake of her health which is something very hard to transition for Emilie. Life doubts her actions and limits her progress. As for Charlotte, her cleverness only takes her so far in life, but her determination helps her reach her goals. Charlotte’s love life is kept in secret as her relationship violates sibling code.

Image via IMDb

The setting of the show is in Paris; specifically, the underground Parisian streets that are not common in most rom-coms. The landscape of the city does not go unnoticed. The traditional buildings with the exclusive colors of yellow, brown and grey lead the stellar imagery of Paris. Not to mention, the apartments that are not as glamorous as one may think, but are real and relatable. The outskirts of the city are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The city of love has an astonishing look of elegance to capture the slow burn of love.

The soundtrack of the show is so energetic and youthful. The French show features a variety of French and American music. The language barrier is not a problem since both have similar qualities: soft beat dance music. It’s not aggressive like club music, but fun and lighthearted to enjoy.

The plot of Plan Coeur is a new age of romantic comedies. In the age of technology, it’s easy to make quirky and cringeworthy plots of romantic comedy. Yet, Plan Coeur makes it real — you know, despite falling in love with a hooker. However, it takes on the challenges of relationships in-the-making whether it’s through affection or friendship. Frankly, it’s seen through the dialogue as a viewer can easily laugh through the foreign language or the subtitles. The actresses and the actors make a bundle of words sound witty and sarcastic without losing the main interest: romance. Not to mention, half of the cast represents diversity.

Plan Coeur is a binge-worthy series that can be easily finished within a day. The sensation of Paris become newfound detours of the city. Elsa, Charlotte and Emilie navigate through the barriers as women through love. Remember, love does not revolve through a sensual and platonic relationship, sometimes it comes within oneself. Watch season one and two of Plan Coeur on Netflix.

Featured Image via IMDb.

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Dafny Flores

Dafny is an 18 year old from a small town in South Texas. She enjoys writing about various topics in the entertainment industry. Apart from writing, she’s interested in books, fashion, and an expansion for her education.
