When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. When I was in middle school, I was afraid of how big and vast space is. To combat both of those fears, I stuck up about 3-packs worth of glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. Recently, I’ve been looking at them for more than just comfort; unfortunately, stickers don’t talk back to you. This is a poem about being lonely and looking to stars for answers
I hold the galaxy on my ceiling.
A collection of stars and planets
Every time I blink.
After my brother went off to college, I started sleeping in his room when mine filled to the brim with emotions
And got too stuffy.
The bad part though,
His room doesn’t have stars on the ceiling.
I don’t like looking up and meeting darkness.
The stickers never move, but I see a different picture every night.
On good nights, I focus on the brightest stickers of stars and planets that rest above my head.
On bad nights, I focus on the empty spots that haven’t been filled with the galaxy yet.
Sometimes I wonder if they ever will be.