Electronic pop artist Salt Ashes is making a name for herself with her sultry voice and vibrant music. Chains literally can’t hold the artist down in the music video for her newest single, “Don’t”. Written during a studio session turned confessional, Salt Ashes speaks only the truth regarding her feelings towards relationships and pours her heart into the lyrics.
The London based singer has been featured on The Guardian, Billboard, MTV, NOISEY, and more, and she is only getting started. Known for her organic style and alluring voice, Salt Ashes is the future of the pop-music scene.
I sat down with Salt Ashes to learn more about her recent single and how self-doubt plays a role in her music.
Ariel Zedric: Could you talk a little about the inspiration behind your newest single, “Don’t”?
Salt Ashes: I like to say it’s my anti-love song but I guess it was a reluctant confession to a guy I was seeing who wanted more than what I thought I did. I had a big love which didn’t work out, so I’m fully aware that I’m just shit scared of falling again for it not to work…again.
What was it like filming the music video?
Well, those chains were heavy… but kind of in a comforting way I guess. It was actually a really nice and easy shoot. I got to collaborate with my best friend, Rosa Rose, who directed it. Being able to work with friends is the best as they know you better than anyone and there is already a certain level of trust and a deeper understanding of each other.
How is “Don’t” similar and different from your previous tracks?
You tell me! I just write songs and make music and see what comes out. But I guess if I had to sit back and try to analyse it, I would say it’s more naked sonically and lyrically. I really have bared my soul in this song!
You’ve got a really unique style! What inspires it?
Comfort and feeling powerful are my biggest inspirations. I hate feeling uncomfortable, so I usually go for the oversized option and the flat boots. Anything that makes me feel strong and stable is what I look for. I can’t be arsed with something which is too tight just for a fashion statement.

Courtesy of Salt Ashes
Are there any parts of your childhood or culture that you pull from for inspiration? How so?
I’m sure I draw from both childhood and culture without realizing it but it’s not a conscious thing. These are fundamental aspects that help shape you as a human, so I have no doubt they inject into my writing.
What’s it like being a female in the music industry?
I think there’s a lot more pressure and high expectations for women in the industry to be good at absolutely everything… be more polished etc. But then again, I don’t know any different. One thing I have noticed is there’s definitely a shift right now with women being heard and taken more seriously but there is a continued ‘surprise’ when people find out I produce my own vocals, write my own songs etc… I think there’s still a mass stereotype that female artists have a big team of people around them doing everything, which is fine if you have that, but I don’t and people shouldn’t automatically assume that I do just because I’m female.
What’s the hardest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in the music industry?
Self-doubt. When your music didn’t get on that playlist or get radio play or your video didn’t get that online feature you wanted it can be really fucking disheartening and it’s so hard to pick yourself back up and keep going. I constantly remind myself that I make music because I like it and as long as I keep doing that then I’ll always be true to myself. It’s so easy to get sucked into doing things because you think that’s what people want and when it comes down to it, if you’re not being honest with what you’re making, it’s going to show and won’t resonate as well with people.

Courtesy of Salt Ashes
Have you ever doubted pursuing music? What inspired you to keep pushing?
Absolutely. But then I realize I wouldn’t be happy doing anything else…that I can think of anyway.
What moment in your career so far has left you the most satisfied or proud?
Releasing my debut album was a very big deal for me. You essentially spend your life writing songs for your first album, so to have completed it and actually have a body of work out there with 14 tracks on is a really great accomplishment for me. It was actually during the completion of the album that I wanted to give it all up, again with the self-doubt, but something told me to just get the album out there and see what happened. I’m really glad I didn’t quit!
Who is your biggest inspiration?
All the awesome women and men I have in my life who are passionate and driven and have a clear vision of their path.
What would you say is your overall message in your music?
Feel as hard as you can feel, explore, be open, honour your true emotions no matter how fucked up they are.

Courtesy of Salt Ashes
If you could give young aspiring artists one piece of advice, what would it be?
Create your own vision and believe in it. No matter how many people try to steal you in another direction, stick to your path. Cliche, but it’s something so easy to lose sight of and you can easily get lost in the abyss and lose your mind… I know I’ve been there.
Any last thoughts?
I’d like to say that the music industry is changing and continually making it harder and harder for artists to make and release music so if you’re a fan of any artist or band support them by sharing their music, buying their record or merch, going to their gigs. We live in a fast paced, short attention spanning world now, where we all want something new every 2 seconds but remember how much blood, sweat, and tears goes into making music and continue to show it the love you feel for it, so we can keep making it for you.
Follow Salt Ashes on Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and SoundCloud.

Courtesy of Salt Ashes
Feature Image Courtesy of Salt Ashes