Sofar Sounds is a music event startup company founded in 2009 which allows young artists to perform in small venues. Originally founded in London, it is being exported all over the world, in 350 cities so far, for example in Paris or LA.The concept is pretty simple: to present 3 different artists (or groups) in one evening to few people in privacy in a cozy room. However, what makes Sofar Sounds so original is that this particular location stays a secret until the day before the concert, as well as the artist performing you’ll only discover when you walk into the room: it is great isn’t it? Indeed, Sofar Sounds want to give young artists a shot, presenting them in front of people who don’t know them or have never heard their music before: a wonderful experience allowing all of them to make themselves known to a new audience, above all diverse, as everyone is invited.
Sofar Sounds’ concerts account between 10 and a small hundred of guests maximum, which allows a proximity to the artists performing and a human-sized experience, pretty authentic. Sofar Sounds put this limit of capacity so that everyone present can truly listen to what the artists have to propose and, overall, enjoy music. Usually seating down, the public can listen while spending a good time with friends, having a drink!

The good thing about this concept is that you can go to a Sofar Sound concert without really knowing what style of music to expect if you’ll like it or not: the evening is full of surprise. Most importantly, don’t be apprehensive about the artists you’re about to see: it is necessary to stay open-minded! Nevertheless, when you sign up you can choose the style we appreciate so that you don’t land in a concert that’s really not for you.
If you’re a young artist and you don’t know where to perform or you’re searching for a new public: Sofar Sounds is made for you! In fact, you can sign up to be one of the artists who will be performing in your city. Doing so couldn’t be simpler: all you have to do is fill up the request on their official site, indicating your name, the venue where you want to perform and its capacity and the team of Sofar Sounds will answer you imminently to organize your concert, just like James Bay has done it in the past.
You can visit Sofar Sounds website here, find them on Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify and don’t forget to check if there is any show around where you live.