Now Reading: Sorry TMZ, Taylor Swift’s Sexual Assault Is Not a Joke


Sorry TMZ, Taylor Swift’s Sexual Assault Is Not a Joke

August 13, 20174 min read

By now, most people know about Taylor Swift’s ongoing legal battle. If not, I’ll briefly sum it for you: in 2013, radio DJ David Mueller met Swift backstage at one of her concerts. When getting their picture taken, Mueller reached under Swift’s dress and allegedly grabbed her butt. He was fired for it, and, two years later, filed a $3 million lawsuit against Swift (which was dismissed as of Friday evening), blaming her for his loss of a job. Swift counter-sued soon after for sexual assault for $1… because it’s about justice, not the money. The trials have been held all throughout this week, with Swift fans and non-fans alike gathering to support her. Numerous people, including Swift’s mother and former bodyguard, have backed her claims, testifying as witnesses.

Unfortunately, there are a few people not siding with Swift. There have been comments victim-blaming her, saying she’s overreacting, and “edgy” jokes being made about there being “nothing to grab” on her body. Even “professional” news outlets have turned her trial into a big joke. The culture we live in blames victims for lying if they don’t pursue legal action and then blames them for exaggerating when they decide to take their case to court. Sorry TMZ that such a strong woman, unwaveringly taking on Mueller’s attorney’s bullshit questions is so much of a threat to you, you have to make jokes about getting your “tickets” to watch.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a fan at all of Taylor Swift. However, it’s disgusting that so many people—even some so-called “feminists”—are refusing to support her during one of the hardest moments of her life. Yes, she is a wealthy white privileged woman. And yes, she has done plenty of things that go against feminism. But, at the end of the day, she is human too, and this affects her wellbeing, and her problematic past doesn’t invalidate the point she is trying to make: sexual assault victims shouldn’t have to prove themselves over and over again to be believed.

“I am not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is anyway my fault because it isn’t … I’m being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are a product of his decisions. Not mine.”


When Kesha’s trial against Dr. Luke went to court last year, everyone was more than happy to support and stand by her through it all. #FreeKesha trended everywhere on Twitter, and fans gathered by the courthouse to stick by her even after it was dismissed. Now, Taylor needs our support and love, and suddenly, many of those same people have stayed quiet on the situation. If we could protect and rally behind Kesha, how come we can’t do the same for Taylor?

David Zalubowski / AP

Thankfully, there are some loyal fans showing their support in a unique way with Post-It notes.

David Zalubowski / AP

While Swift’s lawyer has requested the cases against all parties be dropped, there is still her lawsuit against Mueller to deal with. Until a verdict is reached, we must continue rallying around her and giving her the support she needs, whether we’re fans or not. She has evidence and testimonies, and I have hope Swift will win the case, gaining the justice she deserves.

Stay strong, Taylor. We are all here for you.

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Raine Clark

Raine is a 17-year-old aspiring writer with a passion for journalism. She has enjoyed reading and making up stories from a young age, and, as she got older, enjoyed reading magazines and online blogs. Now, she gets to live out her passion with Affinity! Aside from reading and writing, she also enjoys catching up on social media, classic rock, and cats.
